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Give and get support around quitting


Day 4 Smoke Free

HI all..I am new to this and looking friends to help me get through this and to help whomever needs it too..I have been smoking for 47 years, quit many times but always slipped up..This time I am determined to leave them alone..I have had tumors removed from my bladder 4 times this year, and the last time, last Wed. the 7th, the doctor removed 16 small tumors..They are growing back faster than he can remove them, seems like..This last time was really hard on me  with complications , but I am slowly getting better..I have had a lot of time to think and right now I am disgusted at the thoughts of a cigarette..I can't let those little devils take any more of my health and destroy what is left..I am fighting back! No more! I know there are going to be times when it's going to be hard, but I am now ready to finally move on and not let a cigarette rule my life anymore..Thanks for listening and good luck to all that are here..My quit date was Sunday, the 11th..I am having just a minimal amount of withdrawals so far, and it has been easy to direct my attention to something else during those times..I can already feel a big difference in my breathing and am able to do things without gasping for breath..

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3 Respuestas

I am also new. Quit date 1/27. I am trying to cut down now to about 6 cigs a day so withdrawls won't be so bad. I am 55 with copd and I have been trying to quit since last Spring but I am sure I will be successful using this site and nicotine patches

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Hi constanceclum,


I quit Sept 1st 2009, cold turkey, and tried the cutting down on cigarettes, that did not work for me. The quit date was a date that I picked and stuck with it. If the cutting down to 6 cigs a day works for you, go with it.

Let me tell you, this is about the toughest thing I ever did and very happy I did and now headed into the 5th year. The first thing I noticed after a few weeks into the quit is that I  began to have more feeling in my skin. To keep my self busy I sewed aprons the first month, made about 8 or so...... and gave most of them away. When the urge did strike I would eat, no kidding, and did not think much about gaining weight, and by the way that will happen, which is a good thing. Don't worry because you can take excess weight off once the quit is under control:)

Keep up the quit, no matter which way you find is best for you. I am now 61, soon to be 62, smoked for 45 years, give or take a few years. I am very pleased that I quit, will never take another puff, not one!

I have heard that once you quit you will always have the cravings to smoke and I say baloney!

Good luck on your journey!

Cheers, S.Sweet

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Good Morning!

I quit on 1/20 and still find I'm cranky, crazy, and in need of support. 

Additionally, I'm here to post and encourage others on this journey.

May today be a new day of success for you.  Let's do this together!!

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