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Day 36 isn’t a good day

I don’t know what it is today but I’m not having a good day at all. I’m very irritable I’m on edge and it’s taking all my strength to ignore these feelings. In the past I would just say forget it and I can go buy cigarettes but not today. I don’t know why Day 36 Is such a difficult day for me. Is this normal? I haven’t had a day like this since I quit.

22 Replies

You’re right and I thank you. Yes say 38 and no problems. I suppose as the difficult days come along I’ll just have to deal with them like always  


NOW, you've got it.  Congratulations!


Way to go on 36! I had a day just a few days ago.. their advice and support got me through. Just get through today. The next day I felt much better. Even so because I did not pick up