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Give and get support around quitting



I'm almost finished with my 3rd smoke free day. I'm doing this cold turkey - no medication or nicotine replacement. From what I've read, my physical withdrawal should be over by tomorrow, then it's just battling the psychological cravings.

I've tried quitting in the past using medication (Wellbutrin and Chantix) with no success. I've tried every type of nicotine replacement (inhalers, patches, gum and lozenges) with no success.

So I've decided to just bite the bullet, live through a few days of intense physical craving and see how it goes.

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2 Respuestas

First of all, WELCOME TO EX! You are here because you are deeply considering getting rid of cigarettes forever, and we are here to help you do just that.
Before you go any further, you must know that this particular welcome page here is not really used much at all anymore. The truth is that everyone in the community here uses the BLOGS to communicate, and that's why it took 2 days for you to get noticed here on this forgotton forum. We're sorry about that.
Look toward the upper left corner of your screen. You should see a blue square that says BLOGS. When you click on that, you’ll then see a list of open conversations that have been created by the members here. You can click on any of them and read them. Read as many as you like! If you feel like commenting on that person’s specific conversation topic, you can type out your remarks in the box at the bottom.
We’d like you to introduce yourself to the entire group. While still on the BLOGS page, click on “Write a Blog Post”, over on the left side, halfway down the page. Type your thoughts in the box that will pop up, but - hurry! - the website only allows you to type for about 12 minutes before closing your session. (I know, we think it’s weird, too.) 
Writing a BLOG is also how you ask questions of the entire group, how you report your progress to us, and how you declare your victories (we like those!). Writing a blog is like speaking out loud to a room full of fellow members, and it’s how we are all able to send you comments and support.
There are lots of other neat features around here, and you’ll discover them all as you slowly work the program and get acquainted with us. Until then, move over to the BLOGS page now and introduce yourself over there, okay?
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need to know what patches make you feel like please some one answer quick

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