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Give and get support around quitting


Day 2

Yesterday, waiting the 5 mins after an urge or trigger was amazing. I just told myself it's only 5 mins and you can have one. Sometimes it was 5 mins, sometimes it was 20 mins or more! I also found myself a couple of times, picking one up unconciously. I only actually lit only one before I realized what I was doing. The rest of the time I was focussed and just put it down told myself 5 more mins. I know it's the psychology for me. All I know is that, I bought a pack yesterday and still have a few left from the pack and that hasn't happened in years! Today I woke up and waited until I drank my first cup of coffee waited a half an hour and had my first cigarette...unbelieveable! I'm going to chip away at this till it's gone! I don't want to think about how long it will take yet but I am going to keep focussed and fight!
Thank you all for the words of support and encouragement! I feel stronger by not feeling alone. You all are great, And a great insiration to me!
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2 Replies

Stephen, you CAN do this! Your attitude is totally awesome! Yes, it is very much a mental addiction as well as physical. The best way to go into this is to keep a positive mindset!! Think about all of the pros vs. the cons. The pros always outweigh the cons!! For me, it was a matter of life or an early death, since I was beginning to play with fire (literally), after 39 years of smoking. The phrase I use all of the time, whenever I have a craving is, "Smoking is not an option." I know that if it is not an option, then there is nothing else to think about period! Also once you actually do quit, cravings are a wonderful thing, because it meanst that your body is getting rid of poisonous toxins!! Keep doing what you are doing and you will be set to go!!
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Great thoughts with such a positive way of thinking I know you can make this happen good luck!
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