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Day 2

Day 2 since quit day! #coldturkey#

Does it get better?

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20 Replies

Yes, it gets better.  As my program says "you've spent all these years teaching yourself to be a smoker; now you have to teach yourself how not to be one".  Some days are easier than others.  Just try to fill your mind with positive things when the urge hits, especially how you're now FREE.


Thank you for your encouragement!

0 Kudos

Thank you for your encouragement!

0 Kudos

Yes, and fairly quickly.  Everyone is different, but overall the urges will start to decline, and you will start noticing that you are breathing better and feeling healthier!


Thank you for the encouragement!

0 Kudos

Welcome to EX.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth. The idea is to start at the beginning by making a commitment that no matter what happens or goes on in your life that you will not use it as an EXcuse to smoke.  With that philosophy, you will have success on this journey.  No, it is not easy but it is doable by using that principle and educating yourself about nicotine addiction.   If you hang around you will see that quitting is doable, because many of us have.  Look forward to a new day and a new way of life.  It is all up to you.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smoke-free. Quitting smoking requires hard work and determination not to give up.   It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.  Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links:   and

I also encourage you to read. Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.    


     You will get a lot better. The withdrawal symptoms will fade, you will get over the nicotine and smoking one day at a time--just your smobriety grow. Staying busy is about the most common approach to getting over these first few tentative days of smobriety. Hang on and hang in there...keep reading what Exers have to say. Blog as you wish.


How interesting.  I was just having coffee with a friend and I mentioned that I thought my original question on this site, "When do the cravings go away?" was the most asked question I've seen in the year I've been here.  I got really mad at the initial responses from people trying to assure me that what I was feeling was normal, that the craves do eventually ease some, welcoming me to this website, etc.  Everyone was trying to be so nice, but no one was answering the question.  I began to suspect the answer was that the cravings never go away, and nobody wanted to admit that to me!  So I'll answer your question more directly.  My craves practically disappeared after 3 weeks.  Then, for about 2 weeks, they came roaring back as bad or worse than before!  After that, they were much more intermittent and the time between kept growing and growing.  And, as you will read here, some people continue to get the occasional strong craves well past the 100 day mark.  Sounds awful huh?  Except that the craves don't last 24/7.  And the times in between are so great and liberating!  I hated my craves with a passion, but it was soooo worth what I have now!  I'm so sorry that you are feeling bad right now.  It really, really does get better .


Thank you so much for answering the question honestly and direct! Thank you this was very helpful and encouraging!