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Give and get support around quitting


Damn demons are working overtime today

They've been in my head all day trying like hell to get me to give in.  Screw them!! They just don't realize I'm a lost cause for them.  F*** off I say!  🖕

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I do recall shouting out loud, I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE!!  Sorry you are dealing with this and it is annoying and frustrating.  You sound committed and strong.  No matter WHAT comes your way, you are stronger than this addiction.  Read, write, work on a project, but do something.  Sip tea, cold water, hard candies, call a friend.  Some days are a little better than others, in the beginning.  STAY STRONG.  You are not losing anything, though it may feel that way.  You ARE taking back control of your life and your breath.  


@champsin97 I am so sorry you're are being harassed today--me too this afternoon.  But you have come too far, walked away from that crap, and it is not for you anymore.  You are free, no matter what lies you hear in your head. And they are lies because you just simply don't do that anymore.  (I am talking to myself as well when I type these words to you.)  


Nevermind the fact that smoking right now, it won't taste good.  You will have to have a few before they taste right.  Your cough will come back AND you will want to quit again.  Not worth it, you have come too far.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@champsin97 I’m glad you posted here for support instead of smoking. That’s incredible and I’m proud of you! You can do this and stay on track. - Danielle, EX team

EX Community Admin Team

One step, then the next is for times like these. 



And that, my friend is how you whoop nicotines ugly A!!   Go on nicotine, git!


I’m glad you called them demons, cuz that’s what they are… they use anything that can control and slowly kill us. I got on my knees and prayed to be delivered from this addiction.  
I’m only on day 4 from vaping, but I feel so confident, uplifted, almost empowered, that I actually have control over my impulses and cravings. We have 100% total control on what we act on and do, despite it being so hard… keep up the good work! 


You too, @DPinc42, keep up the good work! We do have the power. We are in control. When things are tough, hold onto the knowledge that when you beat it this time you gain experience and that makes it easier to beat the next craving or tough day. Time is the healer. It's great to hear you are feeling confident and strong! Keep going!


@champsin97 so glad you came on here when the demons came knocking. Has the situation improved at all in the last few days?