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Give and get support around quitting


DAY 24

I had my first cigarette dream last night. It was weird because I was watching myself with the pack in my hand, open the pack, remove the silver paper, pull out a cigarette and then out of no where all the people I told about my quit were there watching me.

I looked around at them....then slowly put the cigarette back in the pack and  the dream was over. I keep thinking about it now. What if I would have smoked? I felt guilty even dreaming about smoking- how would I feel if that was REAL? 

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11 Replies

CONGRATS ON 24 DAYS OF NICOTINE FREEDOM !!!! Yahooooo for you WENDYJOK good job loving YOUR NEW LIFESTYLE NON SMOKER!!!!! I remember Smokes-mares....YES...I thought I was GONNA USE!!! Then I came and TOLD all of MY smokemare... I BLOGGED about to because I WAS FULL OF FEAR!!!! ALL the people here shared they had them too and I was so grateful I wasn't ALONE! In MY smokemare I did use MY DRUG OF CHOICE NICOTINE... I woke up and thought I really did use again.... relief came as I walked around checking around MY house and FACTS were clear I DID NOT USE then I came here and blogged BEFORE I used again.... MY early recovery from nicotine lessons...EVERYONE of US have a lot of similar smoke-mares these feelings of defeat that LIE to ME and denial of the TRUE FACTS of nicotine addiction so it was SUGGESTED to educate MYSELF on MY nicotine addiction reading the EXPERT blogs by Dr Hays here at EX and the blog by the elders STAYING QUIT NO MATTER WHAT TOGETHER and to watch videos at and read the articles there on NICOTINE addiction behaviors OLD habits and NEW ones to CHOOSE from and also to read the FREE book by Joel NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF he has been working with NICOTINE addiction for over 45 years... Bryons video open my eyes to MY denial that I was a NICOTINE addict! Thank you for HELPING ME to remember I am RECOVERING ONE with YOU WENDYJOK and WE have ONLY this day at a time with TOGETHER WE will keep on keeping on for ME in MY Lord Jesus name amen please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim thank you!

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you were probably having a tough day that day and that's how your brain is conditioned to relax.  You'll have quite a few more of those.  they're only dreams and they actually reinforce how dedicated we are to our quits 😉

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I am nearing 2 years of no smoke, and had one of these dreams last week.  But in mine, I actually smoked the cigarette, and did not even feel guilty for doing so.  It was something I would have liked to be able to do in real life, have just one.  But we all know such thing does not exist but in our dreams.  We call them smokemares   And the feeling it was just that, and not the real smoking, is wonderful.


Smoking dreams are always weird because they are so vividly real and scary when we wake up. . That is way we call them smokemares.  We are so happy when to wake up and find it is only a dream. They happen, and you could use your own interpretation.  I used them as a sign to be on guard and protect my quit. Congratulations on 24 days.  Great Job. Stay close to the site. Hang tough, you are well on your way.


I have one occasionally even after 5+ years quit!  I find it interesting that in the early days of my quit, I would always stop myself from actually smoking one.  Later, the dreams became quite beautiful and peaceful.  In the last one I remember, I was sitting on steps with beautiful flower gardens on either side of me.  I not only lit the thing, but smoked it ALL and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Guess I felt safe then to chance that?!

I know better in real life!

Congratulations on remaining committed even in your dreams!



Wendyjok congratulations on 24 days WON.  I had a dream where I wasn't smoking, but I was trying to get my hands on a pack of cigarettes that kept popping up.  It was weird because the pack was not the type of cigarette I smoked.  Actually it didn't even say any brand.  The box was in a plaid design, but I knew it was a pack of cigarettes.  I kept chasing the box all around a mall complex never being able to actually pick it up.  Very strange.  I'm coming closer to my admission that smoking is an addiction that I will need to be aware of throughout my life, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.  As long as I don't smoke I am doing fine and so are you.  Thanks for sharing your dream.  Make it a wonderful day.



Dreams are so weird. Whenever I've had short hair I always dreamed it was long again. And even after being out of high school for over 40 years I still have those dreams about forgetting my locker number or I didn't go to one class all semester and I have to take the final RIGHT NOW.  It's just a little bit of anxiety, nothing to worry about .  But I love how our brains try to work things out during the night.


I have a smokemare about once a month.  Still.  Even after a 12 year quit.  You can put "smokemare" in the search area (upper right magnifying glass) and you'll be presented with endless amounts of people blogging about that.  Suggestion:  go back into your blog and edit it by putting in the tag.  Smokermare  That way it will make it easier for other to find.

Congrats on the 24 days.  Hold it dear!


I enjoyed reading about your dream, Nancy.  I actually had a "daydream" about smoking today...had a mild "urge" in the car today on the way to a women's brunch at church--decided to "give in" mentally...breathed deeply and imagined smoking for a bit...then was SO GRATEFUL I wasn't and hadn't and had NO intention of doing it...didn't have to find a place to snub out the butt in my car, open the windows, find some old bodyspray I used to keep in the car to spray on (and in my mouth) and then smile and sit down to eat with some nonsmokers...thinking I had "pulled it off"...but now knowing that I wouldn't have...was in the same aisle as a smoker yesterday in the supermarket and I smelled him from a few feet away....N.O.P.E.!!!!!