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Cold Turkey Help

Quit date is Sept. 22.  I am doing it cold turkey. Is it possible? Has anyone done it? I have tried so many times. I have been smoking for 20 years. The last time I tried to quit I tried Wellbutrin and I became manic. Chantix made me suicidal. I can't afford Patches or nicotine gum.  So I am scared that I am not going to be able to handle the withdrawal.  Please help.  Thanks.

30 Respuestas

Cold turkey quitter here after smoking off and on for 35-40 yrs. Nearly 2 years tobacco free now and will never pick up another cig. That being said, the greatest thing about cold turkey is you don't have to 'quit again'  the nicotine replacement aids, including Chantrix and Wellbutrin plus you don't get the side effects from the NRT. My philosophy is 'just get it over with' and cold turkey is the best quickest way in my opinion, and statistically the most successful. First week or two will be the hardest, there is no easy way out.  By Halloween tho, you'll be plugging right along. Yay!!

Read as much as you can on nicotine addiction, then read some more. Stay close to this site for support and for the education--- there's a wealth of information in recent and past archives. Stay away from smoking 'triggers'--- usually being alcohol, a lot of caffeine, marijuana, whatever gives you the urge to smoke, if possible.  You're not only inhaling nicotine but also over 4,000 other harmful, dangerous chemicals the tobacco companies add to that tobacco you're smoking, including a cough suppressant.  Those tobacco companies want to make sure to keep you smoking NOT caring that they're killing you slowly, while taking your money. What a racket! They are the biggest 'Pusherman' to date. A legal cartel. Detox by drinking A LOT of water, lemon juice with honey, herbal teas,  stay away as much as you can from 'heavy foods', dairy, and a lot of sugary foods.   I feel diet plays a role too in your quit. Others may disagree. You're not only inhaling nicotine but also over 4,000 other harmful, dangerous chemicals the tobacco companies add to that tobacco you're smoking.     Again, I can't stress this enough--Read, read, read anything and everything on nicotine dangers and addictions and the blogs on this forum.

Remember the alternative to not quitting is eventual health problems and early death related to smoking, and throwing away your money at the same time.

Tobacco tricks you into thinking it's like a best friend when in truth, it's killing you. 

Smoking is a form of slow suicide, keep that in mind.

Good luck-- you CAN do this!!!

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