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Give and get support around quitting



Just wondering how many of us have and wear masks in public.  I started wearing one last Saturday when we went to pick up groceries I had it on when I got out of the car to open and close the hatch

Just to make it a little interesting maybe you can share a picture of you wearing it.


62 Respuestas

I know who that is when you said free easy...Oh wow...I know Allentown...small world....


I never can get the @thingy to work...


happy birthday snoopy.jpgTaking a minute to go off-topic to wish freeneasy‌ a happy birthday!

Got my mask. Very nicely made but my ears flap over when I put it on! So, not staying on very well. Who knew my ears were so flimsy!


Try attaching a shoestring to the loops and let the back of your head keep it on


Great idea! Thanks!


The ones I just ordered from Esty tie instead of looping of your ears.


I started wearing a mask to the grocery store when the whole thing started.  I didn't agree with the CDC recommendation.  Didn't make a bit of sense to me.  People in China were wearing them right away.  I felt something was fishy.  Sure enough I think I was right.  They just didn't want people hoarding them.


OK.  I got the sewing machine out.  I HATE sewing.  I almost committed seppuku by making about 18 lined curtains (first time experience) back 25 years ago.  Thought I would LOSE MY MIND.  Became the monster from beyond the depths.  I can cut down a tree but I can't sew worth a damn.  It is truly my idea of hell, being stuck with a sewing machine and a piece of fabric.  CUTTING the fabric square to begin with is beyond me.  I use a metal 2' T-square in order to do so.  And it doesn't matter.  It STILL never comes out square.  Fabric MOVES.  It is not like a piece of tin or wood.  And I simply don't "get it."  

HOWEVER - where there's a will (and perseverance, there's a way).  Just like quitting.

I've spent HOURS literally, trying to discover the best and easiest or easi-er way that I could potentially make a mask.

This is experiment number 1.  And once I learned how to thread the sewing machine and create a new bobbin, and how to adjust tension and length of stitch (YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!) I then followed the instructions on how to make the mask.

REAL EASY as it turns out.  Hey - that's why I picked it.  

Result #1  (And no my hair is not orange.  But my walls are.)

IMG_8873.JPG   IMG_8871.JPG  IMG_8868.JPG

Here's the link on HOW TO:  How to SEW a REUSABLE FACE MASK with FILTER POCKET// DIY Fabric Face mask // BATCH sew Medical mask ...   

Will report in after I try the next choice.  

But seriously - if we want to quit smoking we have to do our homework.  I wanted to learn how to make a mask.  I spent HOURS on determining which mask I could personally attempt given my proclivities and limitations.  It was based upon what I knew I was good at and what I knew I wasn't good at.  Quitting smoking is no different.  We KNOW what works for us and what doesn't.  Really we do.  We just need to aim in the right direction for us.  And part of that, if we don't know, is simply called "instinct."  


Go Giulia‌ !!

Admire your determination and identify with your sewing machine angst.

I bought my portable unit a good 10 years ago and have used it just twice : once, to hem a curtain I was shortening~ and once more to unsuccessfully make quilted pot holders.

(A Suzy-homemaker with sewing skills I am not!)