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Balloon Dad Forced Cigar On Infant Son!

Now what do you make of this obscenity? Just when you thought Richard Heeny couldn't get any lower. This is footage shot 10 years before his Balloon incident forcing a cigar on his infant son and propping up an empty beer bottle beside him. Using his children to gain a reality show by any means possible. Is he crazy??

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2 Replies

The guy definently has some screws loose. When I saw the story break on the internet, I told myself it was a hoax and if the kid wasn't hiding at home, he was probably at a friends house hiding. They need to find someone stable to take care of these kids and the parents really need to get some help.
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Totally agree with you. He's willing to do whatever to become famous! Even if that means exploiting his kids by any means. Have you seen the music video he made his kids do when they were about... 6 and 7? Cussing up a storm and doing vulgar acts..I hate to see children taken away from parents.. but I really do hope in this instance that they get placed in a different home because they still have time to grow up and be gentlemen. And maybe if the parents get a little help.. maybe some parenting classes then yes they should go back home...But he's teaching them everything that parents SHOULDN'T teach to their kids.
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