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Give and get support around quitting


Are you new here? Newbie or Newb

Are you new and Just signed up because you really want to quit?  Are you lost, never mind we may be lost also.  We just changed to a new platform and  we are still learning our way around the site.  Welcome

Are you Tired of being tired of smoking. I was when I quit.  Do you have that cough that just won’t go away? I did. Sick of smelling like a smoke stack. Whew, disgusting  Tired of burning your hard earned dollars? Doctor says stop or die?  Need I say more.

You have come to the right place!

Afraid?  Nervous?  Worried?  Don’t be.  Start right now by taking a deep breath of sigh of relief.   In fact, breathing is one of the best medicines for quit smoking.  Try it.  Breathe Deep.

Just a few words of encouragement.  Let me start by saying never give up and don't give in before you get started.  Learn everything you can about this addiction to nicotine .  Know the LAW! - EX Community With a NO MATTER WHAT you will not smoke attitude you can do this.   NOPE that stands for NOT ONE PUFF EVER.  Stop just thinking about it, commit, you can quit smoking if you are willing.  It is not about luck or willpower. You have to be willing to do whatever is necessary not to smoke.  101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke - EX Community , dance, laugh, talk, cry, vent, blog, we are here for you.  Stay connected.  Come here often  and feel free to ask for help.  

 Remember…SINAO smoking is not an option. 

Leave a comment and tell us about yourself. Have you set a date? How many days of freedom?  (DOF)   We are here to support you. 



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19 Respuestas

@JACKIE1-25-15 You are a sweetheart...

WELCOME Newbies...we are here to help you ~ Colleen 840 DOF 


Thank you Jackie .....

Welcome new quitters, we'll figure out this new platform together....


@JACKIE1-25-15 Thank-you so much for the links and motivation. I am a Newbie here (DOF - 4). 


@Samriddh Welcome ... glad you found our site...keep close to the support site...we are here for you Colleen 843 DOF 


@sweetplt Thankyou so much. Really appreciate it. 


Welcome @Samriddh to the Ex.  I'm glad you found us and with our new site, I'm glad we found you!   Big congrats on 4 days of success.   Read posts on this site to learn about this journey.  We're here to support you, so just reach out anytime you need encouragement or want to share your experience.

Keep moving forward one day at  a time.





@Samriddh Welcome.  I am very happy that you responded to the post.  You HAVE come to the right place.  I will ask one of our members @YoungAtHeart  to add her welcoming package for additional information for you as a new quitter.  Congrats for 4 days of freedom.  You are doing EXcellent.  Please feel free to browse around the site and get familiar.  


Yes I am but was here 2 years ago so had to make new Id


Welcome back @LoriB1958   Tell us more.   Have you quit or are you still in the planning stage.
