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Anyone else quitting VAPING?

I quit smoking 3-4 years ago and transitioned to vaping. I’m talking about the fancy vaping with a mod, tank & e-liquid - much more potent than Juul which I tried but didn’t satisfy me. I quit 2 days ago and I think it’s even harder than quitting smoking! The addiction is more insidious because I would vape constantly instead of stepping outside to have a cigarette once in a while. Since there was no smoke smell, I vaped my house, bed, car, in front of my daughter, and secretly in public bathrooms and other places. I got so used to holding my vaporizer in my hand ALL the time. Now it’s in the dumpster and I’m chewing nicotine gum. It’s been difficult, to say the least. Anyone in a similar situation or someone who could offer some advice?

51 Respuestas

Yes, day six here similar situation - I have a home office and it is so hard to concentrate on my work - I am sucking on sugar free cough drops and gulping water when it is real bad I stand up walk around and talk about red things I see, then blue things I see then yellow things...... you get the idea.... but the cravings do pass thank goodness and then I go back to work and stay determined - I canceled a client today bc she lives an hour away and I am scared to get in the car and drive a long distance - trigger for me - I am a mess but sticking to it and determined 

please reach out anytime - if I can do it, you can do it!!



Big congrats on day 6.  Keep it going.


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Thank you for your support!

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I am on day 4 since quitting the juul cold turkey. Ive been on and off cigarettes and e-cigs for years but the high nic in the juul and being able to use it all day everyday got me bad. I agree it can be so much harder to quit vaping than cigs because instead of a few large triggers throughout the day when cravings hit, they’re almost constant with vaping since you’re able to do it anywhere and any time. It becomes such a crutch. I’m having a hard time when cravings hit I’m seriously considering getting a pack of cigarettes to help wean me off the constant nicotine stream of the juul. It’s a vicious cycle and I know I shouldn’t. Good luck and hang in there. Know there are others out there fighting similar battles and know how hard it is!


Congratulations on 4 days of freedom. The cravings you will have if you are withdrawing from nicotine no matter what the device.  I would suggest that you would not feed the nicotine.  NOPE not one puff ever. Yes, it is hard but you have to willing to go through the process no matter how hard it is.  Hang tough, never give up. 

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Day 4 is amazing! I wish I was as far along as you and will join you soon.....Do your best to hold firm and BREATH. I coughed so hard today I felt like my lungs were collapsing, and with all the stuff in the news, I got really scared. WE have to do this- for us, for the next generation as examples, and most of all, in order to live and tell our stories. 

Lets keep in touch. I hear you, and already empathize. Stay strong and best to you!


Good job going cold turkey! Its true that it is so much easier to vape whenever you want vs cigarettes. I wish I never started vaping. I picked a quit date and have been cutting down. It seems like people are having success going cold turkey, I think the nicotine gum would be a better choice than going back to cigarettes though. Have you tried that?


I probably should try the gum first but again that’s something I can do all the time discreetly so I’d be afraid of ending up hooked on the gum! It might be worth a shot though.

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Last year, I travelled abroad with my family and didn’t want to bring my juul- too difficult to hide- so for two weeks, I switched to nicotine lozenges. It got me through....My family kept saying how much better I looked without even knowing why or what change I had made....They tasted terrible, so I really didn’t enjoy them, which made me use them so little- really, only when I couldn’t take it anymore. I think the gum tastes pretty bad, too, so if you do choose to use it, I hope you don’t like the flavor (so you don’t want to use it too much and become addicted to it). I also didn’t like the surge of nicotine the lozenges gave: When I smoke/vape, it’s slow- one drag at a time vs. the gum/lozenge which is all at one. I could feel myself taking a drug (nicotine)- nothing pleasurable except it stopped my jitteriness....which I now understand would have passed if I just held on longer... Good luck and keep us posted!

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hkling3 MaryRobin Court2Knee   Congrats to the 3 of you.  I've never vaped, but agree it has to be harder with being able to vape anywhere.  Smokers have to wait until we can find a spot.  Have you been reading posts on this site to educate yourself about nicotine addiction?  Understanding what to expect really helped me a lot.  If you didn't create a quit plan it's not to late.  Reach out if you need support and keep it going!
