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Give and get support around quitting


Any advice?

I have been smoking off an on for 35 years. My husband smokes and has no desire to quit smoking. He smokes around me when I am trying to quit. No he will not quit around me so I have to learn to deal with that. I need to quit so bad. It is just as much as a habit as it is an addiction for me. Smoking is really making my health decline. I think I can get Chantix again. I have been on Chantix before and it really help the craving. I know the nicotine patch isn't the thing for me because it keeps me up at night and makes me have crazy dreams. I smoke heavy first thing in the morning. Will someone give me some advice?
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18 Replies

Thank you so much for your encouragement. It means so much for people to support each other.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I like the idea about the gum. It couldn't be as bad as smoking heavy as I do in the morning.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for the advice.

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Hi Mema,
Welcome and congrats on your decision to quit. Lot's of support on this site. You're not alone. My quit day has arrived and I'm feeling lots of anxiety. I will need all the support I can get as well. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
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Welcome to this site and congratulation on your decision. Let me say that I was on CHANTIX, I used it for four weeks and stopped smoking altogether. The addiction craves were not so bad, it is more the mind craves that bother you. For that no drug can help, it is up to us. The CHANTIX did exactly what it was supposed to do, the rest was up to me. My husband also still smokes. I have to say that he does go to the garage or out side, but-I know where the cig. are so I have to win that battle and the smell does not bother me too much. I have been smoke free for one month and two days. You can do this with the help of this site and determination
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I always take the patch off at night- always- i sleep great now - also i use the gum for those extra sticky moments. the cravings are down to three a day now and i can handle that easily. Now when i walk past a smoker the smell is gross- i used to love the smell or so i thought- i feel great, more energetic and happier.

You know, you have to do this for you. smokers die 33% faster then nonsmokers- 1/2 of ALL smokers WILL DIE as a DIRECT RESULT of their smoking- do it for you, lung cancer is one of MANY cancers that you face- (stomach, colon, breast, mouth are some more) you have to do this for yourself- and maybe you will inspire your husband to join you.

🙂 work on you- you have friends here that support your choice to quit- you know what failed last time so you are better prepared this time.
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Yes we can. Good luck!!
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Thanks TeeJ, you are a great inspiration.

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I also smoked off and on for 35 years and I had no desire to quit. Then I started thinking about quitting. I'm not religious, but I prayed for the desire. I did the lozenges and they worked for me. It's been 4 years since I've had a cigarette. But I have to remember where I came from and try to help others so I can remain a non-smoker. My suggestion to you is.......this is your deal. Don't worry about hubby. If he smokes around you, tell him it really bothers you and to do it somewhere else. You're definitely in the right place and you CAN do this. Do it for you. One of the reasons I quit is because I didn't want to walk around with an oxygen tank and that tube hanging off my nose. ecch!
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