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Cinnamon Sticks

i've seen lots of people mentioning cinnamon sticks to help with the quit. I seem to be having a problem finding any at all. Where do you get them? What do they look like? Thanks for the help (cuz I know I'll get it 🙂 )
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4 Replies

I've found that the best place to buy them in bulk is at a natural food store. Peggy is right, the tighter they are the more flavor they will have and the more satisfying they will be to you!! They are definitely worthwile!!
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My health food store carries a cinnamon flavored tea tree toothpick - not as nearly as "odd" as the cinnamon sticks. The brand is Thursday Plantation. They are very strong... and I've used them in other quit attempts. Gives you mouth a quick burst of "taste"... that seems to satisfy and of course, the toothpicks replaces the hand-to-mouth activity.

(After getting strange looks for chewing on short pencils, I decided the toothpicks made more sense...)
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Hi Debby ...

looks like you got good advice on the sticks... I have a post crave kits can help save quits in the words of wisdom group that might help you with other ideas.

You might also try scented oils under your nose during craves. Mine smelled like vics vapor rub and seemed to shock my system and it really helped me get over the worst of craves....

u can do it !
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Hi Debby ...

looks like you got good advice on the sticks... I have a post crave kits can help save quits in the words of wisdom group that might help you with other ideas.

You might also try scented oils under your nose during craves. Mine smelled like vics vapor rub and seemed to shock my system and it really helped me get over the worst of craves....

u can do it !
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