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Give and get support around quitting


Any advice?

I have been smoking off an on for 35 years. My husband smokes and has no desire to quit smoking. He smokes around me when I am trying to quit. No he will not quit around me so I have to learn to deal with that. I need to quit so bad. It is just as much as a habit as it is an addiction for me. Smoking is really making my health decline. I think I can get Chantix again. I have been on Chantix before and it really help the craving. I know the nicotine patch isn't the thing for me because it keeps me up at night and makes me have crazy dreams. I smoke heavy first thing in the morning. Will someone give me some advice?
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18 Respuestas

Thank you Doreen. My husband just has a hard time not smoking around me. He starts out trying to be supportive by not lighting up but it doesn't last. It is just something I am going to have to accept. I really appreciate your support. I hope to keep in contact with you. I really need the support and help of friends. I hope to keep in contact with you.
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This info may help in addition to what Polly said. I was told that if my wife put the patch on an hour before I woke up (which is what I do) it would help the difficulty in the morning of having all that withdrawal when starting the day, I was told the patch takes 2 whole hours to get your blood up to a comfortable level. I can't recommend the following to you, but this is what I do. I chew a piece of nicotine gum when I wake up (because I smoked so much that it is an option [consult your physician]). That is what helps me get through the morning. Which is the hardest moment of the day to stay cigarette free for me also.
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you need to ask your husband to not smoke around you. if he doest respect that your trying to quit then just remove yourself from the room, and BE MAD AT HIM!! he should respect and support your decison to better yourself and besides your not making him quit, so there is no reason why he cant help make it easier on you. and dont do the chantix until you know mentally you are ready to quit. go through the steps on the "ex" page. they will help you break things down.
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hi mema, let`s get quitting,welcome to ex,congrats on deciding to quit smoking, lets show some people, how strong u are and lets get quit,,,,, Photobucket take it one day at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Check out the Ex program. It is about braking habits (a behavioral approach) to quitting. It helped me quit. It is more complicated to quit when a spouse smokes but many people get through it just fine. I would suggest talking to your husband in a different way. If he can't support you= he can at least not antagonize you. You need to get his agreement on that.
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Check out the Ex program. It is about braking habits (a behavioral approach) to quitting. It helped me quit. It is more complicated to quit when a spouse smokes but many people get through it just fine. I would suggest talking to your husband in a different way. If he can't support you= he can at least not antagonize you. You need to get his agreement on that.
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Your smoking habit sounds exactly like mine. I thought I was crazy for smoking as much as I do in the morning and throughout the day. Congratulations on your quiting. I still have to set a quit date. You are doing great and keep the good work up. Soon I will reply to you to let you know that I have quit. Keep the frame of mind that you have now. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks so much for your reply. It is such a strong encouragement to me.

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Thank you so much for your advice. I know he should respect me. It is the same way with other situations which makes me want to smoke more. I am going to stop one day soon. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
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Thank you so much for your reply. You are very encouraging and I appreciate the time you took just to reply to me.
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