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Give and get support around quitting


Anticipation worse than the actual?

I am hoping to find someone who can tell me that the anticipation of the withdrawal and quitting was much worse than their actual experience.  Anybody??

12 Respuestas

I have read Allen Carr’s book.  More than once! Maybe I will go back and re-visit some of the chapters before my quit date!


Sandy - YES!!! Much worse! No doubt about it! I have been quit for over 8 years. I smoked for 40 years and the mere thought of quitting sent me into a panic! The most wonderful part of this whole journey was finding out that it wasn't anything like I feared. It is, as we say around here - DOABLE! 

I loved Carr's book and I think revisiting that is a great idea! 

Congrats on deciding to quit! 


I'm with Kathy above me the anticipation terrified me BUT as difficult as quitting was at times it was absolutely Doable and totally worth it to be Free, you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time ......


And I'll add mine to those above... the anticipation and anxiety pre-quit is WAAAYYY worse than anything that happens once you jump in and DO IT!!  Not saying that it is easy peasy, but my experience was just that... once in it to win it, it just happens minute by minute to day by day and now month by year... that pre-quit anxiety was awful, the doing it not so much.

That's why I smh when I see advice that says "set a quit date".   The worry ahead of time would give my junkie brain plenty of opportunities to find a later date because... its my birthday, its my kids birthday, its halloween, my boss is being a jerk, there's too much on my plate right now, later is better etc. etc. etc. you get the idea.  Why not now... 5 p.m. just DO it?  Worry about the plan as you go along, you'll need something to keep you busy so reading and educating yourself while you're in the quit is as good a distraction as any.

Just some thoughts... there is nothing to fear, there is nothing that can't be tolerated going to happen once  you quit.


For me the anticipation was WAY worse but I'm an overthinker, that's what I do......

I've made it 36 days so far!

I just decided that I was REALLY going to TRY MY HARDEST to quit this time. 

To me, that was the most important part, deciding.

It hasn't been easy but definitely not as bad as I "overthought" it would be!


Thi is so me too!


Thank you all for your comments!  They help a lot.  I have gotten myself so anxious and full of fear about it I feel paralyzed by it!  I have to do this but I want to try to take a more positive approach rather than focusing on how bad it is.  That will only lead me back to anxiety and smoking!  


Bottom line anticipation worse that actual withdrawal.  It is not as bad as you think. /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2015/03/15/its-easier-than-what-we-think 


Our fears are always so much larger than what they NEED to are going to grow stronger and stronger each day.  This is not an event, it is a journey and the better prepared you are, the more smoothly it will, support, and commitment will carry you through.  Welcome to EX.

