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Allen Carr’s Book

So I made it 16 days and then smoked. Dang it!  I changed my quit day but I really didn’t want to since I only smoked a few cigarettes.  

I read Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking....He said no moping!  But all I did was mope!  I started out good, but little by little, as the days went by, I missed my little friend.  So I smoked. And just as he said, I felt awful!  So here I am again.  

This time I’m going to post here. I would love to be a non smoker for more than 2 weeks. That seems to be about how long I can make it.  

I’m not moping today and Yippee I’m a non smoker! All I can do is one day at a time 

22 Replies

it is a tough one for sure.  I get angry at people who say 'it's just a habit." 

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Allen Carr's book really changed my overall mindset about smoking and helped me greatly.  A number of people at my old quit site who had successfully quit smoking didn't like that book though. 

The key things I took from Carr's book was that nicotine did nothing positive for me and that life without nicotine is a great life to live.  I think most successful quitters will tell you that, regardless of if they had read Carr's book or not.

There's a lot to gain from reading as much as you can from many resources about nicotine addiction, including quit sites like this place.  Nobody's quit is the same.  The key is making a commitment to never taking another puff.

I'm sorry you relapsed but get back to quitting again.  Things do get much better the longer you are smoke free.


i did the same after 5 years! I thought, I can have one cigarette.  Live and learn.  And I smoked for 2 months and then quit for 17 days in Dec, 4 days in Jan, 3 days in Feb. Now it is March and I have quit for a week. and I am not saying 'so far'. I am just going one day att a time. Cigarettes make me depressed when I smoke them. I feel like a total loser. I would sit and glorify cigarettes and think that it would be so nice to have a smoke and when I did, it lnever lived up to the hype. so one day at a time.  Glad that you got back on that horse.  Thanks for sharing. Those words could have come from my mouth.


I can relate.  I had about a month - then found 3/4 of a newport 100 in the back bedroom.  I smoked it.  

I had to start counting my days all over again.  I just made it to 100 days today and it's easy not to smoke now.  

I don't want it.  Don't miss it.  Glad to be over that part of my life.  Now, I ordered the Allen Carr easy way to lose

weight for 4 dollars.  It should be here any day.  I figure that the quit smoking one worked so good for me that this 

one will too.   If it's not one thing it's another - but it's progress.  I was at the doc and he said my chest sounded clear. 


Tammy,  my doctor told me tha t  it is better to be over weight than to smoke.  but I did the same thing. I was looking for some keys and going through all my coat pockets and found 1/2 cigarette in my pocket and smoked it.  I just cannot be around cigarettes or people who smoke. just cannot. let us know how the allan car easy to lose weight book is.  I read an article on his death in the Guardian and one woman said she went to his public talks and found him really boring and that he bored her into quitting smoking.He died of lung cancer. it is a good article. somebody published it here on this site. have a look for it. , I think you would enjoy it, if you haven't read it. they interviewed him about his own death. It is very good. 


The book is a fast fun read.  It is a helpful tool.  I cannot stress"  enough how helpful the book is.

I am more than happy to send it to anyone truly  interested  in reading it.


I’m so surprised at how many people responded to that post. This really is a supportive group.  

I’m moping again. I know all the good reasons to not pick up, but I want to.  

Im just lying in bed watching tv.  Just writing this is depressing.  I’m not going to smoke.  


You lay in bed all you want. You are healing from cigarette abuse and your body is tired , recovery takes alot of strength.  Just remember to drink lots of water, or juice or fluids, wouldnt hurt to take a vitamin supplement . Stay away from junk food. Try these while you are laying in bed.  They help me and might help you too.    and this  Hypnosis to quit smoking mindfully - YouTube     the beauty of both of these is that you lay down to do them. So you are in the right place.  Don't worry if you go to sleep during them.  You are exhausted.  You need sleep to heal.



so my boyfriend and I quit together and this morning he announced he was going to buy a pack and smoke all day today. So I am too. Now I get your response. As I lite up, I feel awful.  This is such a whirlwind. I hate my life with cigs or not. Somethings gotta change.  I’m like you..smoked 41 years now.  So addicted. I don’t know if this post is going to everyone, or just you.  

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We can all see the post Fresher. I've smoked 39 years. We are all "so addicted".

You can get back on the the wagon if you so choose. I hope you do!

Smoking won't make ANYTHING better. It will only choke you to death.

Stay with us!
