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About halfway through my first day

I’m halfway through my first day without vaping and this morning went well, went to the gym and for a walk, but now I’m back home in my crappy home situation and really craving. Any suggestions? I’m going to try and meditate but I can’t get any peace or quiet here and it’s very cold outside currently. Thank you everyone I feel like the first day is going to be the hardest. 

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19 Respuestas

I'm just reading this @hbock_947 how are you doing this evening? It's really cold here in New Brunswick brrrrrr! Try to keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and at the end of the day you'll be able to say YAY for Day WON with many more to come, read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT with commitment and perseverance you will succeed in living a life of Freedom and and you'll do one precious day at a time or hour minute or even a second at time deep breaths and believe in yourself because we believe in you and we're rooting you on You've got this....

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@hbock_947 Welcome and good morning.  How can we help?  Have you read material on the site about tools to use when you have a craving and about creating new associations in place of smoking?   Having a plan in place and an understanding of nicotine addiction has made all the difference for many quitters. 

Here's a great place to begin.

We're here to support you on your journey






Hello! Thank you for the kind words, I made it through and now am strongly coming up on 48 hours! Day WON! 

here’s to thousands more!✌️


Hi @hbock_947 ! I am the same as you! On Day 2 today and def feeling it! Hang in there, we can do it!! Ugh it’s tough but like someone said we need to take it one day/hour/minute at a time!


You got this my friend, looks like we’re quitting on the same time frame. Let’s keep it going I know we can. Here’s to two then three and on! Let’s be here to help each other 


We are on the same timeframe!! Let’s do this!!!

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Although easier said than done, strive to embrace recovery not fear or fight it.  The way we silence and extinguish use conditioning is to engage life without using, including cues associated with being confined inside when it's too cold to enjoy the outdoors.  Just the next few minutes, that next challenge if any, and then celebrate.  Lots and lots of celebrations, yes you can!!!  If you have any natural fruit juice in the house and your diet/health permit, sip on it over the next 48 hours.  Cranberry is excellent.  It'll help both stabilize your blood sugar and motivate your kidneys to accelerate removal of the alkaloid nicotine from your bloodstream via urine acidification. 

John R Polito
I am a contributor to WhyQuit and am willing to assist with those interested in Cold Turkey quitting. I am posting of my own accord with permission from WhyQuit.

Whyquit has been really helpful. I appreciate all you have written and the site. I also like this site as a way to see how others have remained smoke free.

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Very logical and understandable advice thank you. Got myself a big bottle of kombucha and that honestly really does help when I have a craving. 

I have to remember that the nicotine wants me to cave and I’m not letting it! Going strong through day 2 now