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Give and get support around quitting


8 AM Quit Date

Quitting at 8 AM in the morning. Any ideas how to push through the first day? This is the first time I have really made a concerted effort to quit and I plan on doing everything I can to make it stick on the first shot. Thanks!
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8 Respuestas

been there ... done that ..... follow me and you will have my stats in 4 years but it starts with day 1 and adding 1 day at a time !!

you can do it .... take control back and be proud !!

nothing to fear ... but fear itself!

i do not miss my 2 + packs a days for most of my life !

one of the best days of my life 04-04-04 !

relearn to do life a better way !
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Thanks to all that are here with the same goal. At age 10 I started that ride with the marlboro man, and have since regretted ever doing that. Today though, I feel just happy that the mental commitment has been made. Was a long time coming, but like the saying of this is the first day of the rest of my life, the 16th became the first day of my smoke free life.
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wooohoooo, way to go......... check in often. It will help with the urges...... we are behind you!!!
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Thanks everybody. It is pass time for my 1st cig. I feel like I have passed the initial craving. I still have that nervous, anxiuos feeling, but I think I can deal with that. Thanks for all your support!
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Daniel, just think, you passed the craving using your fingers on the keyboard. Great ya know to have this outlet, and then taking advantage of it. Keep it up, for when you share, you help me too. Have a great rest of the day.
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Hang in there, and think of every possible reason why you are quitting. If that doesn't work, redirect your thinking: i.e. name all green things in a room, then all round things, and so on and so on until the craving subsides. You can do it. You'll be healthy and have a decent amount of cash for doing it!
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Thanks Steele. For both of your comments. I realize that it is pretty weak to to already be afraid of quitting. I am 32 and I realized this month that I have smoked for over half my lifetime. I began at 16 and am just now quitting.
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