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Give and get support around quitting

50 days smoke-free but depressed, angry, and confused

After smoking for about fifteen years on and off (off when pregnant), my husband and I finally decided to quit at the end of last year. We started on the patch and were starting out pretty well, with minimal mood swings. But we weren’t connecting like we used to. Before, at the end of the day after we put the kiddos to bed, we would sit outside, smoking and talking for hours. After quitting, it was just distract, distract, distract. We weren’t connecting anymore. We replaced cigarettes with a TV. 

After about a month, my husband started up again. He found his own loophole- rolling his own cigarettes with loose tobacco, and he’d have one or two at the end of the day. This has progressed to more and more throughout the day. Now he sits outside, where we used to sit together, alone while I’m still distracting myself with the TV. I know he’s got his own process to go through but I’m having the hardest time being close to him. I thought we’d be each other’s support systems, but I now feel I have no one. I hid my smoking from family, and my friends either still smoke or never did.

On top of all this, a few weeks ago the depression and anxiety kicked in, and hard. I’ve done so much reading on all of these topics already but what I think I really need is an actual person who understands, who’s been here or somewhere close... or just some support. I don’t want to give in just so I can be close to my husband again.

51 Respuestas

I had some radical mood swings when quitting while off the patch.  they never lasted very long and every month the duration got shorter and shorter.  You could brainstorm with your husband and find other things to do in the evening.  it seems like you used that time after the kids went to bed to relax and unwind.  All you can do is talk to him, express your feelings but leave smoking out of it.  Perhaps find a series you both enjoy and every night watch an episode together.  I'm sorry to hear he went back to smoking but thrilled to hear you stuck with it.  think of yourself as a role model for him.  the more you stick with it the more perhaps he'll rethink his decision to go back

Thank you!! It’s so good to hear from someone!!

We did try to find other things to do but once he started up again I just started withdrawing. And to him I’m not the most shining example of a quitter—depressed, anxious, a “shell” of myself. I hope that this starts getting better soon like you said!!


I am day 21. Your posts are so  inspiring for me. I am not a pretty quitter.  I too  deal with depression and crabbiness. I’m glad to know I’m not alone, this website helps so much.

 Thank you for being here .


Gilamonster‌ I don't know too many people who were pretty quitters...there have been a few "Happy" quitters, can't say that I reached that point for a while but I CAN tell you that it is reachable.


Thank you so much for saying that! Being real and honest here has helped me get through the ugliness of all of it. Still struggling with depression but I have hope that it will subside. It IS so good to know we’re not alone! 

Congratulations on 21 days!! It is so so worth it, even in the hardest and least pretty moments


0 Kudos


For me, it is expressing verbally things that tick me off... I spent decades stuffing that information. Now I am letting some of it out....

Previous Quits I had anxiety and depression.... I didn't cope well with the situation. I had not prepared the way I did with this Quit. I didn't have this site or a huge support group. Connected here and other friends who only wish success for me. After the 3 wks.,more and more physical improvements......I truly DO NOT WHAT TO LIGHT UP even when a craving hits. Those are fewer and farther apart everyday. They pass quickly. Wasn't my case with other quits. I focus too much on rest of my life...instead of 1 step at a time and 1 day at a time,etc.....Now I'm finding staying busy Helps,site helps and sometimes I just unplug for awhile and that is what I need.

God Bless You,prairie 34 dof

ready to call it a day.......night


I agree with Lori above me, you've got this quit believe it deep breaths and stay close because we're all here to help you through any rough patches that you may come upon, I didn't use the patch but I do remember the moodswings very well, it's definetly going to get easier and easier with time under your belt but you must believe it and stick with N.O.P.E and vigilance, you've got this, congratulations on your 50 glorious Days WON and counting WTG.....

And thank you, Marilyn! You have no idea how much I needed your words. I’m so grateful to find a group of people who can help... and I would love to be able to one day be on the other side of it all and help others.


You never know who you may be helping right now by reading your struggles with your quit you may be helping someone with there quit because you're hanging on and stacking up your precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON, it's going to take time to get through the rough patches and to relearn life without the crutch of cigarettes but you are doing it, maybe you could get outside and breathe in some fresh air, try to keep your mind as well as your hands occupied which helps, Lord willing your husband will join you in quitting again but right now just concentrate on getting stronger in your quit and your mood will improve and your emotions will level out too.