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Give and get support around quitting


12 Years Smoke Free - Who Would Have Thunk It!

Hi Everyone!   12 Years!!!  

I smoked a pack a day for 30 years!

Today is my 12year anniversary!

That's 4.380 days without a butt!

That's 87,600 butts not smoked!

That's $30,660.00 Saved!  Put that in a pipe and smoke it! 

If I can do this you can too. I want to pass on lessons learned/hints to others who may be new and early in their quit. It worked for me, it can work for you too!

Admit and Accept that you, yes you, are an addict. This was powerful for me. I used to think I was a loser who couldn't quit in the past, then when I learned that I was actually an addict I could take steps to correct that.

Educate yourself, why, here..the more you learn about the addition, what happens when your body is cleansing and what happens when you are smoke free the knowledge alone provides you with so much incentive.

Make your plan. Just like going on vacation you have a packing list. Well spend some time and map out your quit plan. Then you just have to follow it and check off a box along the way!

Myth-buster - this is so enlightening, recognize this and understand this. Quitting smoking IS NOT the hardest thing you will ever do. That is a myth perpetuated by the markets to keep you buying their product. The hardest thing you will ever do is "Deciding" to Quit and Picking your Quit date. These two things set your non smoking life in motion, but that life is not hard. The two items are hard because it's scary for you, BUT, they are points in time...i.e...Today I decided to quit (that moment is now gone) and on this day I quit, again that moment is gone. So once you are past those two decisions it is no longer hard to do this. Recognize the myth.

Early days honor HALT. avoid Hunger, keep healthy snacks handy, Try not to be Angry, reach out to friends, let things roll off you. fight Loneliness, blog, reach out to friends, journal and don't let yourself get Tired, take some naps, stay rested and it keeps your resolve up.

Win at Waterloo - There will be one day where that addict will visit you, torment you and test you. He will try anything to talk you into smoking just one. If you remain vigilant on this day and beat him back he will only visit you once in a while and less vigilant from that point forward. My Waterloo was on day 21, I remember how I beat him back and really how things greatly improved from that day forward. You'll have your Waterloo moment only your victory will set you free.

NEF - Never Ever Forget - Don't forget what you went through in deciding to quit. Don't forget how you used to be as a smoker (breaks, smelled, $$ spent, away from the action etc.) Don't forget the early days of quitting, don't forget your Waterloo moment. Don't forget all the gains you have now. Bottom line is if you NEF you will Not One Puff Ever (NOPE).

Reward yourself!  Save your money, treat yourself.  Mine was always Vegas!

And finally your prize of hope is I can honestly say I don't think of butts anymore. The addict that I still am stays in check and hardly every shows up to visit me and when he does it's like a split second passing followed by my chuckle 'oh yes I don't smoke anymore and how cool is that" and "why did I wait so long?"

All this awaits you too! To be totally Fee!  How cool is that?!!

I did this and you ca too!  Rock on all!  As a Pirate would say "Rrrrrrr fer not fer you, me would have walked the plank"! 

NOPE & NEF my friends!

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6 Respuestas

@Live4thedash Congrats on 12 years of success.  Thanks for stopping by to share your experience with new quitters.



A super duper CONGRATULATIONS @Live4thedash on your fantastic fabulous beautiful glorious wonderful humongous ginormous magnificent amazing spectacular splendiferous stupendous awesome 12 precious Smokefree years and counting WTG YAY for each and every YEAR WON with many more to come! 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉



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@Live4thedash Congratulations on your 12 years! Thank you for sharing.. I can’t wait till I’m celebrating that long free! After many attempts for me I feel this time is a little different  since I went cold Turkey and found this wonderful site I really think I can do this! 😊

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@Live4thedash I just saw your post. Congratulations on 12 years smoke free!!! Way to go!!! Good inspirational post.😃❤️🐕

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Congratulations!! 🎊🎈🍾 It’s amazing what the human can do if they put their mind to it.

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