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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Hello fellow Chantix-ers!!!

Well, it's been about 40 days since my last smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped taking Chantix almost 2 weeks ago. I feel pretty good. I don't have the vivid dreams that I had. That first couple of days off the Chantix, they were a bitch. Seriously. I'd say that was as close to a relapse as I've had so far. So - Chantix users!!! Beware of the first week or so off Chantix. I hadn't ever planned to do the full 3 months anyway, but I stopped early (way earlier than I thought I would!!) because I had an allergic reaction to some lotion, and ended up on steriods. I didn't think that Chantix plus steriods would be a good thing. So, by the time I started to feel better from the hives, I realized I hadn't taken my Chantix for a while, and why start back?? So - that's when I realized that I was moody, everything everyone did was wrong. wrong. wrong. When I put two plus two together - I realized that I was overly touchy because of that. So. I wanted to pass that knowledge on to everyone. !! I feel great though - and am still proud of my accomplishment. WOOHOO!!

I have been quit for 1 Month, 6 Days, 17 hours, 23 minutes and 9 seconds (37 days). I have saved $151.03 by not smoking 829 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 21 hours and 5 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/5/2008 8:30 PM
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12 Respuestas

Congratulations on the forty days, Liz! Also, thanks for sharing this. I don't care what some people say about there being no need to wean off Chantix, stories like yours make me think that it will be a more successful transition if it's gradual instead of all at once. My plan is to go to 1 pill per day for about three days and then quit.
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Way to go. Just keep your guard up... but you know that lol. I am at 10 days and dread the day i take the last chantix
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Way to go Liz! Sorry to hear you had some rough spots with hives but so glad to hear you made it through. Hearing from people with more days quit than myself is very helpful and inspiring. The comments about the first week of being off Chantix was interesting too. I just refilled my prescription for the second month. Today is DAY 17 SMOKE FREE and it feels WONDERFUL!

I've noticed people have the days, hour, minutes, seconds, etc and how many cigarettes to post. Is there a place I've missed that will calculate this for me? Just want to be like the other kids on the block....:~)
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Congratulations Liz, 40 days is awesome...good to know about the Chantix also. I think I will take it the 3 months just to be on the safe side, then figure out how to stop...I'm on my almost 11 day of not smoking and it has not been bad at all, I'm amazed really, I quess it's the Chantix and also the fact that I'm only going to quit once, I don't want to go thru this ever again. Keep up the good work
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Congrats to all who have completely quit, I am still trying my quit date was 5/30/08 at 9pm that was my last Salem Light. However for some reason I need about 5 puffs a day I sneak one of my sons Camels when I leave for work light it then put it out then do the same on the way home. Everyone believes me when I say I have not smoked and co-workers are great they are like my cheerleaders. What to do? I do not have the urge all day or night but first thing in the morning and at the end of work. My coughing has really let up as well as that nasty nasal drip that most people will not admit is because of smoking. Please Help.

By the way I love the dreams.

Is it normal to feel bloated? I have not weighed myself but feel like I have gained weight. I am normally very light 105 and am really afraid of gaining weight. This I can not say to other people since most do not understand a small person feeling bloated.
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You sifted flour on your carpet?
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Hey Barb, Pat in Nc here. As long as you keep "cheating", you will never be free. Take it from one who knows. We both have to learn how to tell ourselves "NO!" but I'm not sure how to do that either.
I hope we get the answers we need here, it doesn't seem to be really active, but then again, I haven't figured out how to navigate in here-I'm LOST! 🙂
The bloating may be gas, and Pattie's right-a little bit of walking, crunches, will take care of that. It may also take care of our craves, huh?
I love the dreams too!
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Hi Janie - You can get a quit calculator at

160 days of healing and smoke-free
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Hey Barb - I agree with Pat, you are never going to be free until you stop. The Chantix is actually blocking you from getting any nicotine - so those "puffs" a day aren't doing anything for you chemically - just reinforcing your "force of habit". That is really the hardest part - breaking the habit....
Yes, I understand your comment about being a small person - I was a buck-o-eight when I quit. I am at a gain of 7 lbs and still feel miserably bloated. But I can work off a few pounds - can't remove 24 years of tar from my lungs overnight.
P.S. I hated the dreams - I called them "free movies"

160 days smoke-free and healing
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