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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



OK so I am on my 4th day of Chantix. I have been doing the online support and cutting back as my actual quit day approaches. I even came to check out this site as some added support. My hubby still smokes, and doesn't understand why I'm all about the quit. So, someone, please tell me this Chantix stuff really will work?
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12 Respuestas

It works for me, I'm 2 weeks smoke free. Set my quit date for one week after starting it, quit on that date and haven't looked back. Also, I haven't had any of the side effects some others complain of, just a few minor ones from time to time but I can live with that for the time being.
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Awesome thanks, and good for you! I've still got 4 days to go before my quit date, and I am noticing I can either fight the cravings, or I don't really want a smoke when I normally do. So far the only issue I've had is vivid dreams, but not nightmares. I can live with just about anything as long as I can make it past my quit date and stay smoke free. Thanks for replying. I really just needed to hear from someone else that's doing this. None of the people I know are trying Chantix right now.
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I think the problem is that people see chantix as a magic pill. For me at least it isnt. I have been smoke free for 5 days now and I am doing great so far. The chantix has been a big part of that. It will still take some willpower on your part though. It will be hard if your husband doesnt quit too, but maybe if he sees you do it then he will try too.
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That's what I'm trying to condition myself to know - it's NOT a magic pill. But I WANT to quit. Actually, I haven't smoked since yesterday afternoon - it's 3 days before my quit date. SO far, I'm doing ok. I know it's going to be hard if he doesn't quit, but I want him to WANT to quit - that's the true key to sucess I think. I'm hoping my sucess will be his inspiration. This site is really great, I LOVE the support I can get here!
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My husband has been doing the patch for 5 days. He is in New Orleans at the moment and explained that now is not a good time for him to quit because work is so stressful. I told him he is an adult and I cant MAKE him quit. But, I am scared when he comes home this weekend that I will smoke. I havent been around anyone smoking (6 days under my belt) since I quit. I told him he just cant do it around me.
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Amye - I think you'll be surprised. I'm on day 2, it's still hard, but I'm staying strong. My hubby still smokes, and while he's pretty good to stay away from me, I don't have the urges that I thought I would when I see him smoke. It also smells disgusting to me now. I can't say I'll never slip up, but so far, I'm staying strong. If I can do it, you can too! Ask him to respect your quit, and if he loves and supports you, he'll do it, at least that's what I told my hubby, and I think I guilted him into it. LOL!
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Hey Liz!
I will atest to the fact that CHANTIX does work - today is my 84th day smoke free! Someone asked me today if I missed it. I really don't - there was a time about a month ago that I had a real feeling of loss. My cigs had been my friend for 39 years - in joy and sadness - and all of a sudden I had said good bye. But, I did tell them good-bye, I believe it was an activity on the Getquit website (Chantix). After that, I struggled once in a while - but after I realized that I needed to prepare myself if I was going to be dealing with one of my obvious stressors, I was fine. Good story - went to a big business dinner with my husband last night, and the gal sitting next to me left after the meal, and before the speaker to have a smoke - when she came back, I was really affected my the smell of the smoke - also when we were waiting for the valet to bring our car, I had to move a couple times to avoid the smell of the smokers. I guess I can say that I AM AN EX!!!!! Keep the faith, if you really want this, you can do it!
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Hi Liz
I've started Chantix for the second time. My quit date is next Tuesday. I too have those vivid dreams. Like you said, I can live with that. I'm looking forward to being a non-smoker. I find that when a craving comes along and I can't have a cig, I just keep saying to myself "It will go away" and it does. I really want to be a non-smoker. I lit up after a month the last time I used Chantix and I was right back to a carton a a week in no time. I hope I've learned something this time. Laura
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my problem is that i can't seem to get off the chantix. when i try the cravings get just as strong as they ever were. what's up with that?
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