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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Chantix withdrawals?

I quit taking Chantix about a week and a half ago. My cravings have not returned (thank goodness-- I've only been smoke free for a month)! But wow was I depressed for a good four days-- is this normal?? I read that Chantix gives you those side effects while on it (didn't happen to me) but why when you go off of it? All is fine now but it's a little scary... Anyone else have these issues?
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9 Respuestas

I heard that some of the side affects happen after you quit taking Chantix rather than when you are on it. How are you feeling now? How long did you take Chantix for? the full 12 weeks?
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That is interesting. I will ask my pharmacist.
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I am fine now-- back to normal and still not smoking! (Except for a small slip up...) I took chantix for the full 12 weeks and did not ween myself off of it... The first couple of days not taking it were fine (I know it takes a while to get out of your system) but then I had four awful days. At first I thought maybe it was the start of the flu... it felt like a really bad hangover physically. The depressed feelings were the worst for me-- I'm normally a very upbeat cheerful person. I had to take a couple of personal days from work because I didn't even want to get out of bed or talk to another person. All of the sudden it was gone though and all was well. I don't know if all of it or just some of it was "chantix withdrawals" but I haven't been able to figure anything else out.

Cindy-- did you check with your pharmacist?
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I'm going to this morning.
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Has anyone else gotten diabeties while being on chantix? i got it this summer while on chantix. i must admit i have been on chantix off and on for a full year. i know that's probably not good. i am smoke free for 46 days now and am on my last week of chantix. i am hoping that this time it will stick. i just keep on trying.....
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Not sure. I'm still taking 1 pill a day. No cravings huh? That is good to know. are yo ustill depressed?
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You should talk to your doctor about Chantix and diabetes... but my understanding about diabetes is (my husband has it) that there's a genetic proclivity towards this along with lifestyle and diet. And, that it takes years to develop. In any case, you should chat with your doc, but I'd bet there's no connection. Good luck to you!
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I quit a little over a year ago by using Chantix... and I had the normal "let down" after quitting my addiction. I think it has more to due with nicotine withdrawal than it does with Chantix.

I had quit for 12 years (yeah, I know... sad and stupid that I started again). But I thought I could have recreational smokes here and there... well the "there" caught up with me. When I quit back then I also had that 'let down' feeling after being quit for awhile... and that was in 1984.

BUT, you should always check with your doctor when you have health concerns and see what she/he says.

Are you loving being QUIT, as much as I am??????????????? =D
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I have been off of chantix now for a week. For the last 2 months, I took one pill a day. I have not had the depression however, I am having issues sleeping. I do not know if the sleep issues are withdrawals or not. Has anyone else had this issue
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