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Chantix vs. Wellbutrin

Mayo Clinic
4 28 12.8K

Are you worried you will choose the wrong medication? How do you determine what is the best option for you?

There are two medication options that do not include Nicotine; these are Varenicline (Chantix) and Bupropion (Zyban or Wellbutrin). 


  • Varenicline (Chantix) was designed specifically to interact with the nicotine receptor in the brain. It was patterned after an old medication called cytosine. Cytosine was thought to block the nicotine receptor but cytosine did not have great results for smoking cessation.
  • Head-to-head tests of both Varenicline and Bupropion show that Varenicline results in higher smoking cessation rates.
  • The most common side effect due to Varenicline is mild nausea and for bupropion it is sleep disturbance.


  • Bupropion (Zyban or Wellbutrin) was initially developed and currently used as an antidepressant, and through the almost accidental observations of a psychiatrist at a California VA hospital, was found to reduce smoking in people who were taking it for depression.
  • Bupropion may reduce the weight gain often experienced by people after they quit smoking; and it may reduce the negative moods often experienced after smoking cessation. Varenicline does not appear to have these positive effects.
  • Bupropion may interact with other drugs that may require adjusting the dose of these medications. Varenicline has no important interactions with other drugs.

Both Varenicline and Bupropion:

  • One study showed that combining the two drugs resulted in higher smoking cessation rates for heavier smokers (over 20 cigarettes per day) when compared to taking Varenicline alone.
  • Either drug can be combined with Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT); this may boost the smoking cessation rates when compared with Varenicline or bupropion alone.


Choosing which medication may be right for any given person requires weighing the potential benefits and differences in the medication to find the best fit for a particular person. Your doctor should be able to help with this decision. All things being equal, Varenicline may be the best choice for many smokers since it is associated with the best smoking cessation rates.


I had been on Wellbutrin for years before I quit, I was prescribed it after many trials with other antidepressants that I did not tolerate doctors felt that it was important to address chronic pain with an antidepressant.  I never took Chantix and when I listened to the side effects, I will admit that I was pretty terrified.  My son quit for a few months after using Chantix but then went back to smoking. He asked to try it again a little over a year later and he had issues with depression and a number of other mental health symptoms.  Not sure if it was really the Chantix but he is smoking again and showing no signs of stopping.  


I tried both.  I found Chantix worked better for cravings and I am currently a successful quitter with Chantix.  I tried Wellbutrin prior to Chantix and didn't find it to work at all.  Chantix did have some nasty side effects.  I used Chantix for only two weeks after my quit date (total of 3 weeks) because the side effects were so bad.  I am happy to report, I am still quit!


My small world is certainly not a scientific sample, but of the 10-12 people I know who used Chantix, every one of them never quit.  I don't mean that they quit and then failed later.  I mean they smoked all through their 12 or 24 week course of Chantix, and didn't even cut back a little.  Based on my small sample, I find it hard to believe that the drug has any effect at all on nicotine receptors.


TW517  That's really unfortunate.  


About 10 yrs. I quit quite easily along with counseling for smoking cessation. At that time, my primary Dr. only gave me a 3 mo. prescription so even though I found it easy to quit, I soon relapsed. Now that my bipolar depression along with a history of 2 suicide attempts (several yrs. ago) no one will give me chantix. Wellbutrin causes me to have extreme anxiety and does not help me with cravings.



If you're not getting your head into quitting and still smoking the same amount in 24 weeks, you aren't going too quit.


I ran into one of those 10-12 people today.  Hadn't seen him in about 2 years.  He lit up 2-3 in the hour or so we were together.  As he was leaving (with a cigarette in his mouth), he asked if I'd quit.  I said yes.  He said, "I'm quitting too.  I'm on Chantix, which should help. I don't know why I'm lighting this cigarette up since the Chantix blocks any pleasure from the nicotine."

I can't tell you how many times I've heard those same words from him and other Chantix users.  I always want to ask them the same question back, "Why are you lighting up if the Chantix is working?"

This is his 3rd time on Chantix that I know of.  What's that saying about insanity is doing the same thing over and over...?


He's kidding himself.

It's where you put your beliefs.

When I forgot to use the patch two days in a row and stopped using them, I put one in my wallet and kept it there my first year with a promise that I would put it on rather than smoke.

If you consider that, you would realize that I put my faith in that patch to stop me from smoking even though I wasn't wearing them any longer. You can make good bargains with yourself to accomplish your goal.


That so brings me back to back in the '80s when my doctor handed me this complimentary box of nicotine patches to help me quit smoking, slap it on and you'll kick the habit.  I have noticed as of late that the marketing for chantix has changed to saying it will "reduce" the urge for smoking and not curb.  Little words like that can make people think that the NRT will be the one doing all the work.  All they have to do is remember to either take it or slap it on and they'll be fine for the rest of the day because "it's" doing all the work.  And then something in life happens and they're scrambling for the keys to go buy a pack.  "IT" is not doing the work.  YOU are doing the work.  YOU have to figure out the whys and what to choose to replace the whys with something else.  You can't possibly figure them all out, but you can come pretty darn close


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I didn't know that NRT could be used with Chantix and Wellbutrin.  

I am so fearful of the side effects that I am not using Chantix, I don't know if they worked or not.  

My main triggers are not as severe as in the first 3 days:  first thing in the morning, after a meal, dreading something I cannot change.

Strategies that helped to lessen the cravings and triggers:  taking deep breath, walking, doing meditation, walking away from stressful situations, repeating mantra-I don't smoke today, blogging and making nicotine meetings.  



Can you take Wellbutrin and Chantix at the same time?  I have heard that they have made some changes to chantix and it has improved it a lot.



I believe that you can, I believe there are people on here who are on advice...ask a pharmacist, they tend to be very knowledgeable about drug interactions.  

Welcome to EX...whatever you do, please don't expect either or both of these drugs to quit FOR you.  You need to do the reading and get educated about nicotine addiction and you need to lean on the people on this will be stunned at the support you will get. 

Please check out some wonderful posts from people on this site...first JonesCarpeDiem‌ /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months and My Welcome To New Members (10 Years Of Watching)  and JACKIE1-25-15‌  and /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2017/08/07/plan-prepare-practice-to-protect If you haven't done so already, read Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking."  When you sign in, go to "My Quit Plan" and plan your quit, put together a quit kit to go with your quit date.  Remember we are here to help, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice...stay close to the site, come here in the morning and pledge and ride the freedom train , you can find the link to the train here... 

Again, welcome.



Ellen, I just came across this post from back in August. 

My first time quitting for 9 months was done with the use of Chantix.  It went very well, but I did have

to cut my dosage back to half a tablet 1 time per day as it had some side effects for me.  Not to mention

how expensive it was .....  I tried it again a few years later, and it had horrible side effects no matter what

dosage I took.  Kind of strange if you ask me. 


Sandy-9-17-17‌ I never took Chantix but I have been on Wellbutrin for a long time to help with chronic pain.  My son took Chantix and said it was a "miracle" drug...unfortunately, he went back to smoking and the next time it was prescribed, he had some really severe adverse reactions.  He cannot tolerate Wellbutrin.  He is 31 years old, has asthma and suffers from severe sinus infections and he is still smoking.  Sigh.


I am currently taking both.  I am five months in to a buproprion regimen and seven weeks into Chantix.  Four weeks smoke-free.  Hopefully, you are seeing a doctor who is well-versed with your medical history; they would know best what you could try. 


My doc prescribed Wellbutrin for me. I read that you should start taking before quitting, but eager to get started I quit, then started the meds a day later. Now I am a bit confused as I don't know what its doling for me. When discussing options with my doc, Chantrix just scared the beejeezus out of me especially given that depression runs in the family (never diagnosed thank God).

So I'm supposed to take it at one dose for a week, double up for 2-3 months and then back own to wean off it.

I'd be curious what others taking it for smoking have been told.


Hi SighofRelief,

are you still quit and taking the meds?

I am on my 4th week of Chantix and have reduced from a pack and a half a day to approx 3-5 cigs a day.


I have been using the chantix, and I have decided with my dr that one pill a day is enough.

I do not get as tired, the dreams are less, and I still haven't smoked more than my reduced rate.

So it is still working, I am still working at it, I do NOT want to smoke more, so I am afraid to stop chantix all together.

I believe it is working.  I do not have depression or suicide thoughts, however, I have noticed a few down days. but I bounce back the next day.


I am going to give Chantix another try. I was able to quit for a few weeks until the death of my ex husband died. He is still and always will be in my heart.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TBDDAJ How have you been?


I tried Chantix but it made me suicidal.  Very bad with my depression!! The Wellbutrin did absolutely nothing but made me want to eat!  A lot!  I tried the nicotine patches and they made me itch terribly!!  I guess I’m just not cut out for any quitting aids. 😔


Maybe not @JenniferCCope , but you can still quit smoking without them . Many  many many of us on this site have quit cold turkey , the aide being the support of this site and the people on it whether they use aides themselves or not . If you are-comfortable  why not start journalling your quit here on the main thread as this post could get buried . By posting on a journal of your own people will be able to see when or if you need help . Also by posting “help “ when you feel a crave may take your quit others can and will come along side you and help you through . Please don’t think you can’t do this because most certainly you can . The pledge is also somewhat of a self help aide that you can use to stay committed to your quit as well as helping others . It’s an amazing  how offering a hand to others can boost confidence to keep your own quit too . You can use exercise as an aide , and walking as another aide and the games section on Ex to help with distraction . Read the 100 things to do list and print it out so it’s handy . You can quit . We are here for you . Never give up . You are among friends here who can lift and support you . 

Mayo Clinic

Hi @JenniferCCope , 

For many, the nicotine patch can make their skin itchy and after awhile it usually goes away or moving the patch to a less a sensitive area can be helpful as well. The patch can be worn anywhere above the waist and that will give you many more options than wearing it on your arms. Some other things that can help is spraying Flonase on the area that you want to wear the patch, let it dry and then place the patch on. The Flonase can help with the itchiness. Have you thought about trying short acting NRT, such as nicotine gum, lozenge, inhaler, or nasal spray? Those medications can help with immediate cravings. 

It the medications give you too many side effects, cold turkey or reducing to quit will be other options. Keep coming back to the becomeanex community. There are many people that are here to support you and will help you succeed. 🙂 


@JenniferCCope Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your desire to quit.  Aids can have side effects for some, but they're not a magical pill to quit smoking.   I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers and really didn't have physical withdrawal symptoms.  The psychological part of quitting is a different aspect of quitting. ]

There are many ways to quit and there are other options you can try.    Most people on this site support quitting cold turkey, so you should  just tough it out if you choose.   Aids can make quitting easier and less uncomfortable, so don't be afraid of trying other options. 

Aids will not do the work for you.  It takes work and commitment. No matter how you choose to quit, cold turkey or with aids, you need to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and have a quit plan. Many have found success with knowledge and preparation. It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful. In addition to some aids for my final quit, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit. For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too. We're here to support you on your journey. So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge. It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.



I started Wellbutrin about a week ago and it’s been really awesome for me! No side effects at all. Makes my vape taste awful, and I haven’t had any cravings or withdrawal symptoms 


That's good to hear @gcgallagher that the Wellbutrin is helping you with your quit and long term success .  I was not able to use Wellbutrin for medical reasons .Glad you spoke with your doctor and have a plan moving forward ...  good job . 


@gcgallagher  Glad the Welbutrin is helping with your quit.   Congrats on your success.  You'll be celebrating one  week today--that's a fabulous achievement.

Stay busy and stay close.


About the Author
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.