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Share your quitting journey


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i did NOT do a good job of tracking my cigs today. HARD day at work. found out i have a lot more work coming my way... minus the pay. anyways! i should really get better about tracking. i want, so badly, to quit on my quit date. it's only about a week away. become an ex suggested i didn't make one that was so soon but i really want this. i am sure i can do it with the support of this site and the support of my boyfriend. my boyfriend and i are in a long distance relationship and i really want to start saving my money to be able to visit him for long weekends and do fun things. there are so many reasons i want to quit. addictions are f*cking hard to beat. i want this though. BAD. 


you want this quit than you can do this, just do it


thanks lois! your support is much appreciated! 🙂


I'm in recovery for another addiction that's waaaaay easier to manage than the cigarette addiction.  It's hard, but once you make that choice, it feels so good.  I'm glad your boyfriend is supporting you, even though I'm sure the long distance relationship is hard on both of you.  This is a great community, everyone gives so much encouragement and support.  Once you quit, you can put all the money you don't spend on cigs toward a trip to see your b/f.  Keep the positive attitude - you can do it!


listen to yourself - you want it so bad - then go for it - it is only feelings you will be going through - there is never a good time to stop - never - it will always be something - word of advice - don't have any cigs on you at all = not even a lighter - because you will smoke - at least that is my experience - good luck - stay on this site - it is an amazing amount of encouragement and support


good luck