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wanting one badly

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I have done well so far today but the urges are really bad tonight.


Stand strong.  Ignore the urge.  Turn your focus elsewhere.  Anywhere.  Think of all the best times you've had in your life.  Think of the teachers who taught you something you liked in school.  Do a crossword puzzle.  Play a game.  Search "I'm going crazy and need help" on Google.  Don't dwell in the well of craving thoughts. 


I'm at work and I can't even focus.  My job is very stressful but I also have alot of time on my hands to think.


I saw you struggling and went and got a funny video for you to watch. This will keep your mind off of smoking and put you in a good mood. Drink some cold water or flavored water like crystal light if you have some. You can do this stay strong.


Here is a song to keep your mind of off smoking


You can smoke where you work?  Amazing.  I didn't think there was any place left on earth like that.  People can't even smoke on the beach anymore, dear lord.  Do NOT PUT A CIGARETTE IN YOUR MOUTH.  Period.  Stress doesn't matter, nothing matters except your commitment.  You want to focus on something?  Focus on your commitment to your quit.  This is not a game.  This is your LIFE.  If you don't understand that, then go read some of the blogs on here.  Like Tommy's (pir8fan).  He's going in for open heart surgery tomorrow.  Kellie is going in for a double lung reduction later this month.    Jojo just had a new lung put in her body.  Can you actually read those blogs and not stand strong in your quit?  Commit.  Once you've made the commitment in your head, you will not have as much trouble with the cravings.  My guess is you're still waffling.  You've left the possibility of smoking door open.  Commit.  There are no excuses, stress, sorrow, hardship, loss, rotten bosses....  Have you read the pages on here?  People are going through all sorts of crap in their lives but they're doing this thing.  They're keeping a cigarette out of their mouths.  Sorry.  I'm being a hard ass, I know.  But you see, you matter so much and we so want you to make it.  That's why we old timers hang around.  Because we know the cost and we know the incredible change of life that freedom from this addiction brings.  Hang on.


Stay strong Elaine!

My wife and I found some knock of coosh balls at target and play with them when we are needing to fiddle with our hands.  I play with it while I drive some times.  Tough times are all around, but it is the actions in the time that make the person, or something like that. (to be honest I get a lot of quotes wrong)  But the gist of it is that the only person that can make you smoke is you.  The only person that can make you quit is you.  Which one do you want to be and how badly will you fight for it?

I get on here and write some of the most insane, off the wall things on here.  I just start typing and POOF I have a blog.  Get on here and work that angst and frustration out on a blog.  I play paper toss in my office (sorry to all the green movement people).  Just what ever you do, DO NOT SMOKE.  If  you have gone on this long you can tell yourself you can go on longer.

I have cried myself to sleep many times in my quits.  I have yelled, screamed, barked at the moon and even drove from Dallas to San Antonio and back in one night because I couldn't sleep.  Do what ever you have to but just don't give in. 



Breath deep deep breaths! Laugh at yourself! Laugh at the urges! Laugh loud and long, you can do this when you don't smoke and you don't cough like when you smoked.