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Share your quitting journey

twilight zone??

0 21 43

My company just sent around a letter about medical benefits, rising costs, etc etc. They are offering a "healthy life choices" incentive for employees to get a monthly discount on our insurance premiums. One of the "healthy choices" they reward you for is not smoking. 

Here's where it gets weird. I'm looking at the policy now, and someone who smokes today has two ways to get the "healthy choice" discount. They can quit by a certain date, or they can, I'm not kidding, I'm typing this word-for-word off the policy. "Provide a doctor's note attesting that it is medically necessary that you continue to use tobacco products." 

So someone can get a "healthy choices" discount on insurance for smoking, as long as their doctor says its okay? And what possible scenario exists where it's medically necessary to smoke cigarettes? 

What planet am I on? 


Whoa.  That is just nuts, Sarah.  I can't wait to hear somebody explain why it would ever be medically necessary to use tobacco...


wow, i think that was sarcasm... at its finest


I'm in the medical insurance biz and I never heard of anything like this!! Good luck trying to find a doc to write that note!



they know no doctor will do that so pretty much they are saying you have one choice. quit.

crazy people lol


That's just insane. I bet some people will try to get that note.




I've emailed HR. I can't wait to see their response. 



ok.... now before everyone laughs so hard because they think it is ridiculous.... I can tell you that I myself was told to continue smoking..... by a doctor.....  


Yes, there are idiot Doctors who recommend that their patients don't quit smoking! They aren't the ones who have to live with the smoking related illnesses. They just don't want to complicate their treatment with a patient in recovery! Appalling! I am a victim of such a Doctor! I wonder where the tobacco lobbyists are involved in all of this???


I have a condition that smoking actually improves.....  but of course when I was smoking I couldn't smoke just a few a day.... in addition.... the doctors don't look at it as an addiction... Smoking is a stimulant..... and has been considered "medically necessasary" for a couple conditions (was even prescribed by House on TV... nice huh)..... I can tell you that I am working on dealing with these medical issues and will be happy to find alternative treatments.....  their treatment causes much worse issues.....  there are less doctors today then 20 years ago that prescribe such treatment.


I knew someone whose doctor told her not to quit while she was pregnant because nicotine withdrawal would be too hard on the fetus. 

assuming I get a response from HR, I will post it... 


I had a doc tell me when I was pregnant, that I could/should just smoke 5 cigarettes a day...because that was the same as living in LA. it's not.  Crazy!!! 


I'm coming back later today to see the response.

I do like both the deadline and the lead time to get into a smoking cessation program.  

...Just had a flash of a future news story  - Doctors under investigation for providing Need to Smoke Certifications.   


It is medically necessary for all members of the EX Community to send me 100 bucks so that I may feel better about myself by having cool things. 

-this makes more sense than HR's proposal.  If a doctor put something like that in writing he is begging to be sued for everything he is worth. 


PS: (feel free to still send me money.  checks and money orders are also acceptable)


My email to HR: 

I appreciate this opportunity to reduce my medical expenses and I will take advantage of it. I just have one concern. I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and I am extremely confused by the Tobacco Attestation choice that a smoker can “provide a doctor’s note attesting that it is medically necessary that you continue to use tobacco products.”

Can you please share what situations exist that might require someone to smoke for their health? I am truly baffled by this. Having done the hard work to change my life and quit, I am a bit insulted that <our company> is giving smokers this loophole. And giving them the same insurance incentive as a non-smoker. 


HR's response: 

Congratulations on being tobacco free for 2.5 years!  That is truly a great accomplishment.  I completely understand your frustration by our “loophole.”  If it was up to <our company> we would not have it, but it is a legal requirement due to Health Care Reform.  We are required to provide alternative routes for an “outcomes based incentive” which this is considered. 

From working with our benefit broker, we were informed that the most common alternative was a doctor’s note (I think they used a stress related excuse).  We are hoping that most employees go the coaching route and focus on getting healthier.

If there is anything else I can help with, please do not hesitate to contact me.


In other words, they are blaming the new health care law. GIVE ME A BREAK! 


"Stress related???" What kind of scientific basis is there for that?


I beleive that there are some doctors who prefer not to have people become healthy...not just smoking but eating to. I read where type 2 diabetes will become the #1 killer in just a matter of years. Imagin how many doctors would be out of jobs if people suddenly became healthy! There is alot of money flying around sick people.


Stress Related????

I have a feeling that ALL current smokers will have a stress related excuse to continue smoking, because it's too stressful to quit smoking. There will be a long line at the doctors office waiting on that note.



Renee day 8

I know of much better ways to relive stress and it does not include smoking


Sarah----thanks for sharing is an interesting blog and an interesting topic. I never would have thought that something phrased like this would come out of an HR department in 2013!!! I think the legal department has steered your HR department in the wrong direction here but...........................that happens. As I say so often to my're not calling're calling legal.

Question on another part of do employees such as yourself....prove that you do not smoke? do you have to be tested...rnadomly tested for a period of time....or just say you are not a smokers? Just wondering.............................

