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today, I didn't do so good....

1 8 116

No excuses here......I let the plan go south today.

We all switched cars in the house for the day, and I had my husband's car.

It's nothing at all like mine; I have a turtle hanging from the mirror, and a manatee on the dash.

His is more of a softball, golfing, fishing vehicle......anyway, all that aside.....I gave myself permission to smoke in it today....

Still went over 5 hours without one; also went out tonight for a couple of hours without any.....

Tomorrow, I want to do much better, the 19th will be here and I want to be as prepared as I can be...


Commitment ! an importnt word when you quit !


You are learning even on your bad days.  Keep preparing!



Ok.... let me see you have not quit yet ... but are beating yourself up for smoking right?  I understand what you are doing but .... you have got to stop beating yourself up are in a state of semi-withdrawal ... you are planning... I did to... you are practicing .. so did I... Now, the big one ... when you do quit .. draw the line.. your practice ends with being able to smoke... your QUIT will be different.  You have to get your mind in the game ... it will be uncomfortable .. you will think you want to smoke and you will have to go through this discomfort... go beyond to the other side.  Perhaps start working on distractions.... exercise, a project, ... write up a plan....



Keep getting ready Cheyenne! Keep reading and blogging. Educate yourself as much as you can. and Stay as close to this site as you can. I almost live here sometimes. It helps make my quit stronger. You can do this!!

Terrie  29  DOF


Susan, um, tough love mood tonight so take what works and leave what doesn't here.  You switched cars and you have a turtle and manatee and he has softballs and golf clubs in his car...WTF????  And this caused you to smoke????  Please tell me it ain't so.  That your resolve to quit is so fragile that changing cars with your husband is enough to cause you to smoke -  where will you be when something truly emotionally momentous happens after the Aug. 19th, like the death of a loved one or pet, or losing your job or whatever the very hard knocks that life presents us...

If changing cars with your husband IS enough to give yourself permission to smoke - then you need to do a lot more homework here.  You sound like a 12 year old.  Sorry.  But really.  Quitting is an adult behavior.  It means taking total responsibility. That horrid word! 

I'm yelling at you only because I want so much for you to make it.  I hope you understand that.  We have to grow up to grow into our quits and let go the things of childhood.  This is your life we're talking about here.  This is your health.  For without health - you have no life.  Perhaps you haven't been at that stage yet.  But many on here have.  And they understand that without health, our quality of life is not the same as it was.  Quitting smoking is not fun, I grant you.  But not being able to do things in life you've always taken for granted, is more than not fun.  It's devastating. 

We can't give you your freedom from this addiction.  We can only steer you in the right direction, yell as loudly as we can and say "please" do this for yourself.


I agree with Linda.  You haven't quit yet. You are just practicing by not smoking in the car and trying to cut down.  So you are definitely not off the rails yet.  Only on Non-Smoker Day 3 myself, but so far so good.  I did throw away all of the ashtrays, matches and lighters so there is no more smoking paraphenalia around here. I think it demonstrates commitment. And I told my daughters, and I don't want to let them (or me) down this time.  Keep up the good work.  From where I sit, you seem to be doing fine. 


Celebrate the successes! I am proud of you.


I've been wondering what plan you have when you get a crave ? What will you do to distract yourself until you can 're-train your brain ?