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It seems that the temptations never go away. I stop to get my morning coffee at a convenience store on the way to work.Almost every time there is someone buying a pack of cigarrettes ahead of me. For an instant I remember that would be me. I am tempted but I do not want to have to go through quitting again. I try to make co-workers aware of their need to quit so they will be there for their family. Thank God I am still quit. IT HAS BEEN OVER EIGHT MONTHS.I even notice how nasty secomd hand smoke is. For those just starting to becomeanex it gets easier every day and try not to backslide. Keep the Faith.


they do if you are happy you quit


still on the nicotine or did you get off?


Hmm, I'm surprised that after 8 months smoke free you are making comments like "It seen that the temptaions never go away." The fact that you even think about is surprising.  I went to your page and saw that you had some experience with Dr. Hurt and this site. I'm just curious - did you quit cold turkey?  I'm nervous now because I did use patches in the beginning. I've got my quard up at all times and honestly I don't have urges ('m off patches for at least 7 weeks and have been non smoking as of 100 days tomorrow) so I am hoping not to run into your problem.  I hope you have a good night.



Go to and you will never be tempted again. Your original decision is key and it will back that up -- I didn't find these great resources until AFTER I quit -- and this site are great too. If you're still tempted I'd say concentrate on your own quit and not worry so much about others just yet. 8 months is great!!!