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Share your quitting journey

stopped smoking 7 days ago but using patches

0 10 64

I am using patches and other nicotine replacements, I tried to go without the patch today and I was a mess and ended putting it on even though I am having crazy dreams and have not slept good in a week.  This is about my 10th attempt to quit. I have read the Allen Carter book and that was my most succesfull quit and one day I slipped and became a smoker again. I tried to read the book again and it doesnt stick like it did when I read it the first time!  Not sure what I need now to motivate me... I know I dont like coughing every morning or the premature aging I have experienced and my husband has never smoked and is on me all the time. I just signed up for this support group so looking for all the help I can get... I keep thinking people quit everyday why cant I?


Some poeple take the pataches off at night. "Coughing every morning, premature aging, husband on me, ....That should be a start of motivation.  Count the reasons. Wanting to live longer.  Tired of smoking, want a change in my life.  Don't want to do this any more.  Make a committment to yourself that you are going to quit. Break the wall down and Start 1 day at a time.  due 24 hrs first....then 48 and keep going.  Eliminate the brainwashing of excuses to coninue to smoke and relearn your thinking but you have to start. 



You can quit, You just have to be committed to never putting another cigarette in your mouth ever again, no matter how badly you want to.

Read the Allen Carr book slowly and make sure you understand each sentence. Maybe since you read it before, you are subconsciously reading it without considering what it is saying? Just a thought. I read it slowly my second time because I had also read it previously and I wanted to make sure it made an impression on me as it did the first time.

You can do this and it's a great and helpful community here.

Stay close, blog, read all you can on nicotine addiction and ask for help when you need it.

Others will be along to give you links to useful information to your quit.


How about a different approach? A mind change?

click on my cat and read my page?


There are many good places to read on this site. Click on someones pic/avatar and click profile to  read information on their page. Many of our Elder's have great info on their pages. There are some ggod groups, one that comes to mind is relapse traps. Just search community above on the right or ask someone to help! Congratulations on 7 days quit. Sounds like you have alot of reasons to say quit!

Terrie  192  DOF


these are all great comments and trust me I know it is up to me. I am still playaing with the website to figure it out.. what worked for you, I think that is what I need to hear right now.


We are all different and have different motivations.  I was tired of wanting to quit...15 years of saying I would stop smoking  and never ever following through.  I had to get angry at myself for quitting a million times before, angry for choosing to potentially cause major and irreversible damage my body over going through a few short weeks of withdrawal discomfort.  I was tired of the smell, the cost, the cough, having a cigarette run my decisions.  What do you hate about smoking?  Use that as your motivation.   Get worked up, put on the gloves and start battling through the next few weeks one day at a time.  Promise yourself you won't smoke in the next 24 hours and repeat each day.  It feels like forever at first but it does get better in a few short weeks!  I just stayed busy, kept gum handy and sometimes just went to bed early to add a notch...just do whatever you have to do to not smoke for the next 24 hours.


If i can do it you can do it this i promise you.My cough was so bad that that it would take my breath away, i quit going out because of the fear of a coughing attack, it was bad. I smoked for 50 years and the letters copd put me in a scary dark place, yes i have it and its not going away ever.I am so glad i quit, after the first two weeks my nasty cough was gone and i feel so much better. I will tell you its not easy but life is not either. educate yourself read all you can on how too quit listen too the elders they have helped so many. stay with us and talk too us whenever you need, always have answers on the ex community


Thank you all you are an inspiration.  I have little sayings I say to myself in my head not to smoke and it has worked so far my only fear is I am using replacements and I know I am still addicted to nicotine and sometimes I think that makes it worse. Actually I know it makes it worse,


Feel free to read my past blogs.  I used the patch as well.  It was a roller coaster but here I am at 130 days.  You can do it!


I just read some of your posts, thanks. I am up and down as well.. Congrats on your quit!