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Share your quitting journey

sorry I havent been on in awhile...challenges

0 6 37

I am still smoke free. Last was September 30th. I even made it through a social smoking situation and didnt cave. Day before my autistic adhd 75 lb 7 year old bday he fell and had to get stitches. He panics at any medical thing. We have both had bronchitis.  My doc says its normal to get sick after quitting its your lungs and bronchial tubes and stuff gettin rid of the toxins. I had to do the only 2nd breathing treatment I have had in my life. I said doc thought I was supposed to feel better after quitting. Lol. Nicotine free. Im still lonely at times. No one in my family gets it. Like talking about it is a taboo or something. I feel like they think im wonder woman. A1c was not good but ive had worse. I think my insulin resistance may be better since I have quit. Im type 1 diabetic for 18 years. Im tired all the time though. So may go back to doc next week. I hate being tired. I think God is saying you havefaced all these bad things this month and did it smoke free. You got this..thats what I keep telling myself anyways...★★★

6 Comentarios

you just keep going. you are finding your new normal.

you have a lot on your plate. be good to yourself

find something you can do for you for 30 minutes to one hour a day that feeds your spirit.

it could be music or art or something spritual but you need to see you are special and sometimes the only way is to slow down and do something for yourself.


I agree with Gnu above 159%!    I think if we don't find a way to feed our soul/spirit it will wither.   I'm just through 1 of the most awful days since my quit....not because of craves to smoke, but because I was totally drained in body and spirit.     I need to practice what I preach, but I know what I preach is the truth.    So, find yourself something that feeds your yourself.    And give yourself the praise and pats on the back that you are not getting from those around you.     Come to the site and open your arms to the love and encouragement here!

Proud of you and your smoke free life!



You are doing it. Keep up the good work. 


Thanks everyone.  I can be vulnerable on here and its ok. 🙂


I love the honesty in your words!


Thank you! My first blog was here. I am a quiet person but everyone here is nice and gets it! I can be me