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Share your quitting journey

smoked again

0 12 165

Really didn't want to come on here and confess but, I guess I have to.

the initial trigger this time was intense emotion.  I am bipolar and borderline and my feelings can sometimes be incredibly overwhelming.  Well I don't need to go into the details, but the other night I was having a feeling and it was so strong, and I was able to identify my rational mind to argue against it.  But the feeling was so strong and lasted for so long, I tried all kinds of ways of distracting myself, until the only way I could imagine to deal with it was by self-harm.  My self harm actions used to include cutting, drug overdoses, and other really messed up things.  Now the only self harm action I fall back on is smoking.  It's sort of a way to punish myself for having those really strong feelings.  I know it sounds completely irrational, it's hard to explain.  and enormously embarrassing to admit.

Even though I have learned a lot of coping techniques for it, sometimes they don't work.  I am not sure how to deal with this, I will of course be talking to my therapist, and have been looking into joining a group therapy that deals with this specific issue.

The other problem I'm having is with a specific medication I've been taking for about 5 months.  It is supposed to be for mood stabilization and anxiety.  But it makes me utterly exhausted, I am sleeping all the time, not getting hardly anything done and that makes me depressed.  My dr openly admits that this medication can cause severe cravings--I honestly think that at least half my daily calorie intake happens after I take this pill at night.  and obviously it doesn't help with the smoking issue either.  I am not going to take that medication any more, and as soon as I finish writing this will send an email request to my shrink to see about an appointment this week.

I am beyond frustrated.

12 Comentarios

Only 2 rules -

1) Don't stick it in your face

2) Don't set fire to it


sure I'll just set fire to my arm instead, that work for ya?


Good for you for blogging honestly and setting the appointment with your psychiatrist.  Hopefully, the meds can get worked out.  Obviously, you need to  learn more healthy coping mechanisms and ways to deal when those "destructive" urges happen, but you know that already!  For you, protecting your quit means working with your therapist until you find what works for you.  As for this slip,  get back up.  You did that, didn't you? 


Good job, brushing yourself off and getting back up again Angelynna!!

Big Gentle Hug,



If that's what you want to do.................


I had a friend last year wanting me to burn his arm as he collected burn marks from friends. It wasn't something I was in any way interested in doing, I had a box of disposable acupuncture needles so instead offered to stick him if he was that intent on having me cause him pain, I was merciless and stuck a whole bunch of points, especially in the hands and fingers where it actually hurts. It's pretty safe and easy to learn the accupuncture points in the shoulders-fingers and the knee-toe. I am not at all an expert, I've done a 2 week shiatsu course is all. Perhaps something to look into?

Was the cigarette gross?


Sorry you are having such a tough time, sounds like you are taking the steps to make it all better!

Best of luck to you!


sorry for all you are going threw i hope you can go back to your quit.glad you are gettting help that is the most important thing to do take care of yourself


Kudos to you for taking responsibility for your lapse! I suffer from P.T.S.D. and bi-polar also. I wish you luck and I respect you for coming back and starting again! that takes guts! we crazy folk are very brave!! LOL

"My head is like a bad neighborhood and I shouldn't go in there alone."

Peace, Lisa

(((((Big Hugs)))) You will find what clicks for you and then you will own your quit!!!!

Oh Honey, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. My daughter has the same diagnosis. It is so very difficult. I agree with you that with the different meds you're on and the way smoking effects your brain, you need some extra help to quit. I'm so glad you made an appointment with your therapsit. Hopefully they can find the right meds for you and you'll be able to find a specific group. This is a very supportive place so we'll be here for you.  ((((HUGS)))),



Some people are just plain jerks... don't listen to them!!! Maybe they should light their own arm on fire. It's great that you are so knowledgeable about your condition... I am a firm believer that through knowledge, you can do anything! Pick yourself back up, call it a slip and kick this out!