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just chatted quite awhile with our warrior, she said she is feeling quite well, minimal pain today, happy with her food.....she does however want coffee with some kick to it...and she wants a cooler room or a fan, but for now, it is 80 degrees all the way.....she remains upbeat and cheery, and that is a plus.....she talked about trying to get online...i will keep the updates coming xoxoxo

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And I remember the AIR in those hospitals feeling like it had already been breathed and exhaled by the entire population of Russia before it got to my room.  There was no moisture left in it, and it felt like very little oxygen, too.  Stale pretty much describes it.  Tell her I understand!  I hope she won't have to be in there long!

Sending her my wishes that somebody can get her outside to breathe for a minute or two.


Thanks Pat! Prayers continue and I hope to see her here when she is ready! 


Thanks so much, Pat.  I tried to call her but there was no answer...I left a voice mail, she could very well have been on the phone with you.  That 80 degrees would drive me completely nuts...she told me that she was told that she would be in the hospital for 7-10 days...that was the pre-operative estimate.

Love to BOTH of you.



thanks for the update. I am glad to hear that she is doing so well.


80 is tough to sleep in. Give her my best wishes.


be assured everyone, i am letting her know of your well wishes and prayers....she is bound and determined to get on doubt in my mind, she will find a to all   Pat


I pray that they can at least get a fan in the room for Sharon, 80 degrees is crazy, poor soul sending lots of good thoughts and prayers up our sweet Sharon xo.


I worked in NSG homes for many years it was so hot even in the winter and my nose was always running because of the dryness ! It is so hard to sleep or rest when overheated ,I do hope they get Sharon a fan !

I thank God this surgery is over and she is doing well !

shashort‌ Dear Sharon, I hope and pray all surgeries having to do with this accident are over for you ! I pray you heal well and get your  needed rest and a fan to help you do so !  You are a power of example to me and all of us Ex'ers ! 

What a lady ! get well rose.gif


I just spoke to Sharon, I called her and her pain pump was beeping, she said it had been for quite a while and she put on her call light but no one had responded yet.  I told her that noise would drive me crazy and then I said speaking of are you dealing with the 80 degrees and she laughed and said it really isn't as bad as she expected it to be.  The nurse came while we were talking so she called me back after the pump had been reset.  She said that she is really surprised that it has not been more painful.  She has MOVED her thumb, she said she could not feel it yet but the doc was really excited that she was moving it.  Her discharge is being considered to a rehabilitation unit,  I encouraged her to think in that direction so she would have the help she needs to get stronger since she cannot put weight on the leg with the graft site and she can't use crutches because of her hands.  I asked her how she is doing eating and if they are feeding her.  She said she can feed herself if they cut things up for her and make sure everything is within reach.  She has not gotten much sleep but we both agreed that hospitals are not for sleeping.  She knows that love and prayers are coming her way and she said she can FEEL that and it is very powerful.  I am just SO impressed with her strength, physical  AND emotional.


Thank you for sharing this news and please tell her I say hello and to GET WELL SOON. My Dad used to say-----"hospitals are no place to be when you don't feel well!" AND .......I have found that he was absolutely right!


Wet washcloth  spread wide on the chest.  Flip it over in 10 minutes for another  5 minutes.  (If you can get a fan on it, all the better!)  Then put it back under the sink on cold water and repeat.  Forehead and throat are two other good areas for the cold wet washcloth. I understand that the room needs to be at 80 degrees for the healing process, but cold wet washcloths can help the suffering a great deal.  


Continued Prayers for a complete recovery!


Hi everybody!  Good news!!  I finally got internet back!  Oh guess what else I don't have to have the heat full blasting anymore WOOHOO!! But bummer can't have a fan but I dealing with that. Yep  got them keeping the cold water coming Giulia‌ Thank you Pat plug66 Blog and Ellen elvan for keeping the well wishes going me Yeah Dale JonesCarpeDiem we are done with the heat hurray and big hugs to Thomas3.20.2010 , Sootie bonniebee  yes this is my last unless something happens MarilynH


Hugs to c2q and YoungAtHeart too love to you all


shashort‌ I am SO EXCITED, you are such a trooper.  So glad you got the internet back and that it doesn't have to be 80 in your room any more.  Sorry about the lack of a fan.  One step at a time...just like quitting.  You are doing SO WELL, I am SO HAPPY to hear from you and so happy that you can speak for yourself now.  I will be a big smiley face for the rest of the day.



"unless something happens"  NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!


Was the heat to force something to happen or just pi** you off?

How long you going to be in there? I could probably send you a fan.   🙂


It's wonderful to hear from you Sharon, good thoughts and prayers are still going up for you for strength and healing and peace of mind and here's a very gentle loving hug coming your way. 


Sitting here thinking on you.  What's it feel like to not have a toe?  What's it feel like to have a toe on a finger?  Should we then call it a Thinger?  (Toe/thumb combo?)  I think so.  Knowing your sense of humor you won't find this offensive.  You have a new THINGER!  Nobody else has a Thinger.  (Well, somebody may but we don't know them, do we!)   You'll have to learn how to use it and make it yours, but I've no doubt what-so-ever you will.  Because you're the Champ! YOU can do anything.  And have proven to us that you CAN o'er and o'er.  

Sending love.  


shashort‌  So good to see you here and you sound as if you are doing well. Take care and get home soon!!!!


Dale  JonesCarpeDiem hahahaha think it was to help with circulation but did quite well pi**ing me off.  Can you speed that fan delivery to really fast lol.  ahaahahah  Giulia nothings going to happen oh my.    Today  Sootie they threw me a curve and wants me to go to nursing home rehab! YUCK!!!


Hahaha thinger lmao!!  You crack me up Giulia


Thinger??? OMG, that is hilarious.  Those nursing home rehabs are not as horrible as they sound and you would be the baby there, some of those elderly patients are a Giulia‌, not that she is elderly or about to be there but the idea is that it is REHAB and it is designed to be short term.  I WOULD ask how much experience they have in dealing with transplants and grafts though...that's a pretty specialized surgery AND rehabilitation.  You are something else, lady, you keep me going, just THINKING about all you have been through.

Love and hugs,



You're my hero with your optimistic attitude!  Postive healing thoughts sent your way. Thinger... it.


Some of us have other things.  But Sharon has an other THINGER!  


I kept laughing whenever I thought of it last's really hilarious.


I hope it wasn't the one that toed the line.



I'm going to echo Ellen on the nursing home rehab......make sure they are choosing a GOOD nursing home. Nursing homes are licensed and all results are public record and online (well----hmmmm---at least in PA they are and probably where you are too). I was Administrator of a nursing home for 10 years before I moved to being Administrator of child day cares (went from one end to the other). Both nursing homes and day cares get a "bad rap" but, if they are good places they can be an excellent experience for everyone. I am very glad you sound so feisty! You'll be up and around again in no time!!!!!


hI EVERYONE BIG UPDATE HERE!!  I AM HOME HONNIES FROM THE HOSPITAL.   Have lots healing and recovery ahead of me but know i can do. It requires non weight bearing on left leg and arm. I am so grateful to have my wonderful Ex family who put wonderful strong praying warriors. Thanks to everyone sending hugs to all. 


HOME HOME HOME - YAY YAY YAY.  And you're typing with one hand - as usual.  And awake at 1:30 in the morning.  Pain no doubt.  But now it's all recovery.  The fear of what will be, is OVER.  It's BEEN.  And DONE!  And now there's a sigh of relief I would think, in your head.  THAT part's over.  Thank God!  Now it's just back to the grind of physical therapy.  But hey - I'm sure you're going to have to learn NEW exercises to do at home.  I had some new exercises today at PT which were actually fun!  Unfortunately I can't do them at home.  But anything different is uplifting!  You know you CAN, and we know you CAN do ANYTHING you put your mind to.  You quit smoking, after all.  When we've mastered that beast - all other beasts are pussy cats in comparison!  Well - relatively speaking.  Big arms opened wide imagining holding you in my grasp with a kiss on your cheek.  

(Posted this and then saw some *****s where I had the word (pusssy) cats (only 2 esses).  I guess we need to keep it as one word - pussycat?  No separations allowed?!!!!)  The JIVE BAD WORD CENSOR ROBOT has spoken!)  Too bad we only see it after publishing.  If big red flags showed up when bad words were typed, we might change them beforehand!  lol  I wonder if Puss in Boots is allowed?)  

Image result for Puss in Boots


Sassy is back!  When you say you mean YOUR home????  PLEASE be careful, you have a lot of rehab ahead of you and you cannot rush it or take ANY CHANCES on injuring your poor body.  Love you so much, I hope you can feel the hugs I am sending you.

On my way to is a beautiful day outside and I am hoping and praying that my body is cooperative you so much you sassy lady.



Huge but very gentle hugs from me to you shashort , it's wonderful to hear from you and take extra good care of yourself, I hope you have lots of help my friend and fellow Exer.  xo


A silly question popped into my head.

It was your left hand and your left toe right?

Would your right toe have been willing to change sides in this political climate?


Such GOOD NEWS to start my day!

I will keep praying for restful nights and good recovery days for you.

Thinking of you.

Keep sparkling!



Sharon, I've been following your recovery. So happy you are home! Praying your Thinger(lol) heals well and PT goes smoothly. 

You are definitely a warrior girl.

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