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Share your quitting journey

sawbuckjohns' Day four.

0 8 11

Hi everybody,

  It's 5:18 pm and that means I'm in hr 90 of this, ordeal? It is feeling like an ordeal. I'm still holding though. I update one of my little cards every hour. It is kinda fun watching the number get bigger. Still feel like crap pretty much. I've been lazy today, though I still intend to get on my Schwinn Aerodyne. That thing is more demanding than you would think. I have taken a bit of a break today from the steam inhalation and trying to bring stuff up. My lungs/chest hurts some and I'm trying not to irritate everything too much. I do think I should excercise yet though. Thanks to all for your comments and support. I do believe it has helped. I'm still learning how to navigate the site, and since I don't participate in FB or any of the other "Social Networking" sites it's all Greek. I'll get better at it. Thanks for the tips Moody. I understand WHAT you mean, just can't figure HOW.


I see all your former vocations. Are you ready to add former smoker to the list. You are in day 4, so the nicotine is gone from your body.

Your chest probably will hurt till all that crap is gone from your lungs. Mine still hurts and I'm at day 81. I have to admit that mine hurts for a different reason. I had a triple bypass 80 days ago.

Keep up the great quit you have going.

One step, and then another, will get you where you are going.


Hi Larry, and thanks for your comments. Yes I am ready to add former smoker to my list of accomplishments. I will try to get that done pretty soon. I was wondering did your bypass surgery cause the smoking quit this time? I feel for you on that one. I'm hoping that my heart is still in okay shape. I go to the VA hospital and they did an MRI on my lungs, and of course the doctor said they're pretty clear but they don't feel clear.

Keep it up get extra rest don't feel bad about it it's a good thing your doing great you like numbers congrats on five thousand four hundred minutes you have been smoke free and to think you probably did not go 30 minutes with out befor and it does get better 


2-3 weeks for most!

Keep going.

the only way out is through


I can't wait until you have to start a new room of cardboard squares because you have filled up the initial one!!!!!

You WILL be a bit tired at the beginning.  Your body is doing a lot of work in the background to heal itself from all the damage you did by smoking.  Give it TLC and get lots of sleep. take naps as you can, and drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out.    I must admit I have not heard about inhaling the steam.....

Stay strong.  It really does get easier - and it is SO worth it, I promise!



Hi John, glad you let us know what's going on. People get support from other members when they participate. Make sure you read other people's blogs, give them encouragement and kudos for doing a good job.

Congratulations on 4 days!! That's fantastic! I remember how tired I was those first few days, but it will get much better very soon. Hang in there, friend!


Hi John, keep up the good work, I'm just going in to this quitting thing and pouring through all the blogs for motivation.  Look forward to more of you blog.  thanks!


Hey there John! Please don't fret so on the lung cleanout stuff - your body will take care of it for you! Just rest, drink lots of water, try to do some pleasurable things. Please don't spend too much time thinking about the "quit". Just live. You are now a non-smoker. No need to push yourself too much. The lungs will clear out I promise you!