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look if i write a blog, especially related to something as personal and emotionally terrorizing as quitting smoking i'm going to be honest...i was simply disappointed at what i saw and i wanted to get it out...

i have all the intention of continuing to use the site and i didn't simply drop in to criticize...i'm getting out my ideas - i honestly didn't think everybody would take it so personally...i also didn't think that many people would read it...since i now realize it's more of an open forum i'll be careful what i say...

however i do have to say that most of the reactions i got to my first post were rude and unwarranted...i didn't mean for my post to be negative although i suppose it came out that way so i'm sorry about that...but some of the comments i received were intentionally negative and i hope that if the people in question continue to offer their "support" it will be more constructive in the future...


Maybe watch how this place works awhile

and see its daily victories and make them yours


grumble grumble

we had a live one

and I just sharpened the blades


Well LeBeau--I was going to say that I thought people were simply explaining what they got from the site-----but then I got down a little further on the comments.....Oh my gosh---I guess we were a little rude!!!

Sheri has settled our defenders down and is minding them for now. You just have to know that we all LOVE this site. we come here---vent, cry, laugh, yell and---oh yes, did I mention fight??? Oh we do that sometimes but we usually "make up."

WELCOME to EX!!! We are glad to have you. I hope you find this site helpful and that you are successful in quitting. I KNOW I could not have done it without this site,,these people.


I apologize!  I grew up defending the people I care about. My perception was that you were attacking my friends. If you would like to stay around and get help and support from a great group of people, you are welcome. We will help you. But if you come in the door shooting, someone is going to shoot back. If you have ideas that are constructive, I welcome them. But, you got a bunch of folks here who are facing issues with their quits. A lot of people here are stressed out. There is lot of success here! We are critical of ourselves all the time. But like good family, you need to be part of the family before you play by family rules!!

What ever you do, I wish you the best with your quit!! Tommy


thanks guys - i suppose it was a bad first post...i've never been in a support group before so i really should have looked around more and gotten the feel of the place first...i didn't come here to fight because it just makes me angry and want to smoke more...i think if i make any more controversial posts i'll just disallow the comments on them...


don't dissallow comments or you might as well be dead and typing in your head.

No one wants to listen if they can't reply.


Dale is absolutely right about that--it S-U-P-P-O-R-T. you can't get any if we can't comment.

My Dad used to say---old age is not for sissies!!! WELL---quitting is not for sissies either!! Let the community what we say...analyze it...choose what seems to work in your life. But remember--people on here have quit--some like Dale for 2 + years. You WANT to hear them if you WANT to quit. STAY STRONG!!


You have the option of not only getting the greatest support in your quit you'll find anywhere in the world! You may also make some life long friends. And with your quit that will be a much longer life 🙂


*ahem* as I was saying...we are a unique bunch once you get to know us!

Welcome and pay no mind to the maniacs in the hall, LOL!   How may we help you???   


Ah bless the kind souls on this site, they are so forgiving.  I’m not.  I’ve invested way too much time here to be bothering with you.  How about you just light up take a nice deep drag, maybe even expel a few smoke rings like the cool dude you obviously are.  Now, just go away.


Welcome LaBeau. The more guitar players the better. 




I think your criticisms were valid. Given the money that has been spent advertising this site, I think the actual educational aspects of the Become an EX program are weak. I think the lack of any staff support pointing people to resources for dealing with the issues of quitting is a major shortcoming of this site. One blog a week from Dr. Hurt, many of which read like a commercial break for SmithGlaxo, isn't really much in the way of on-going education and support.

The value of this site is almost exclusively with the users who blog here. Because the number of people who come through here is so large, you have to accept a fairly low signal to noise ratio. Best way to use the site, IMO, is to blog a running journal of your own quitting process and ask specific questions as they arise.


The site may be a bit "clunky".

The people are not. 

It works.  Try it.


What you took as negativity I see as loyalty - the loyalty we have for one another!  In my opinion that's affirmation!  I don't want anything less and yes, I've been on other quit smoking websites where it was missing!  Nobody much seemed to care about much of anything!  I'd rather take a little overdose of passion to luke warm any day!  It's all in your perspective and attitude - a lot like quitting!  You don't quit without a passionate desire to quit!  So I don't apologize but if you passionately want to quit and want a loyal group of support friends then WELCOME!  I really DO want you to CHOOSE HEALTH and LIFE!  Quit Smoking and live ABUNDANTLY!  We're here to N.O.P.E.! (Not one puff ever NO MATTER WHAT each and every day!)


I don't know about that Charlie, I'm quite a bit chunkier than when I first joined this site. My first few weeks - M&M or cigarette? M&M hands down.

And LeBeau? Please don't post controversial posts and not allow comments.  You can keep a journal on you own PC for that.

Stay strong and breathe deep


But Molly---M&M's ALWAYS win over a cigarette. I have recently decided to get healthy so I am going green---I only eat the green M&M's now!


We welcome anyone who wants to use this site. The way that you came across to me felt personal to the many quiters on here that help others on a daily basis. We are a very determined group and we support one an other. This is what makes the site so special to all of us. I guess Im not sure what it is you were looking for here. I found what I was looking for on my very first day here when I said Hi, My name is KathyS an Im a nicotine addict. The people that responded to me and said their hellos were so wonderful to me and made me feel that I could quit  smoking . I needed them and they wecomed me. I am telling you that this group can help anyone who wants to quit. There isnt any easy way out of quiting, there isnt any fast quick fixes to talk about, but you will get lots of great ideas and friendships. Take care,   KathyS


Welcome LaBeau!


Well, now you know.We feel very passionate about the site, and very glad to help if we can. And  yes even we have gone to other sites for education , but as you can tell from all our reactions , especially mine I guess, we all came back here for the ultimate support. So participate if you like , we will help when and where we can.



I'm certain that I'm a bit  "clunkier"  🙂


lately on this web site, i find a lot that get filed in the "LIFE'S TOO SHORT....." category.

yall enjoy the blessings in THIS day!  preferably SMOKE FREE, eh?