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Share your quitting journey

"I'll quit smoking when I'm pregnant"

0 16 63

And thus, today is my first day as a non smoker in almost two years.

Congratulations Me.

16 Comentarios

soi gather ur preggo, congrats and congrats on ur quit, hope u stay quit too, iam a mom of 4, also have stage 4 copd with end emphysema, think about quitting and stayin that way. u can do it, ur doin it already,good for u.:))


Thanks Jojo 🙂 I am scared shitless, and am craving a lot a lot a lot, but I think I can finally do this this time. I'm not only doing it for me, but for my soon to be husband and our baby.


When you finally admit you are a NICOTINE ADDICT and make the decision every single day to not smoke you will become an EX.  Real simple no drama, no tears no kicking and screaming JUST DON'T SMOKE!  Honor that decision every second and you will have no regrets!


well good iam so glad for u, rem change ur way of think, u gota turn ur thinkin around, its mind over matter reli,i smoked 40 yrs since i was 12,13 yrs old, i quit at 53 🙂 but i was diagnosed at 44,so i waited to long, u still young and have a chance.:)) read alot,write blogs drink wwater and do alota exercies. they helped me alot wen i quit, besides cleaning, i had the cleanest house in ny hahaha if u get caught in a weak moment, blog here, there is many great ppl that will help walk u threw a tuff time, just rem, u control ur life, :)) joanne.

Community Manager
Community Manager

No matter how far along you are, it’s never too late to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking early in pregnancy is best, but quitting at any time has benefits for you and your baby. Once you stop smoking, all kinds of good things happen for your baby:

  • Quitting increases the amount of oxygen your baby will get. You’ll be helping your baby grow.
  • Quitting increases the chances your baby’s lungs will work well.
  • Quitting lowers the risk that your baby will be born too early.
  • Quitting increases your chances of having a healthy baby of normal weight.
  • And it increases the chances that your baby will come home from the hospital with you.

Using the EX Plan to quit also does good things for you.

  • You’ll have more energy.
  • Quitting will save you lots of money that you can spend on other things.
  • Quitting will make your clothes, hair and home smell better.
  • Your food will taste better.
  • And perhaps more than anything, you’ll feel great knowing what an important thing you’ve done for yourself and your baby.

If you’re worried about weight gain, remember, putting on some pounds during pregnancy is normal. Which makes now an ideal time to quit. The weight you gain is far less harmful than the risk to you and your baby from smoking.

Quitting smoking is just as important AFTER your baby is born. If you stay quit, your newborn will be at lower risk for chest colds, coughs, ear infections and asthma problems. You’ll also lower your baby’s risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Remember, the EX Plan can help improve the health of two people — you AND your baby.


Good for you! Great decision! Just stay clean and don't go back to it, ever. There is nothing to be scared about. Those are irrational fears you have. The worst that can happen is that you keep smoking, and you've already done that.

 Do it for you and your future. You husband and baby will benefit, of course, but you have to do it for you alone to succeed.

Keep busy. If you really want this, you can do it. If you're doing it grudgingly because you have to, then don't waste your time or ours.

Join us - you will NEVER regret it.


Every puff you would have taken would take oxygen from your baby and cause him or her to be in distress, Hope youre dealy serious about this, besides you will be around to raise the baby too, a bonus and not make your baby cry becaseu you died early

we're here to help

breathing isn't optional so neither is smoking

I would rather breathe than smoke

Let Love rule!

you can do it


Welcome back to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit and on your wonderful news!

Lindsey, I use to say I liked smoking too, until I finally realized this was just an excuse to not quit. I like not smoking alot more, plus it's free, you smell better, you feel better, the list can go on forever and ever. It's the healthiest thing to do.


.. sorry i had problems with the other graphic... but welcome back


I hope you continue your quit after the baby is born, congratulations on your pregnancy!!! That is such a wonderful thing to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sister quit for her pregnancy, and then started smoking again after the baby was born. Protect your quit!!!!! 

And congratulations againnnnnn!


congratulations! i've used plenty of obscure quit dates. years ago, i said i'd quit after undergrad school, and i just completed my masters degree! it's amazing the excuses we make! 

i applaud you on making the right decision for you and your baby! you both will be much happier and healthier because of it. you will also be a great example and teacher for your child as he/she grows up. 

you're doing great! keep it up!


I quit both times I got pregnant..thankfully I had terrible morning sickness that made it super easy to give up cigarettes 🙂 but I started smoking again after each was born. I wish you the best of luck with staying quit!


When I was pregnant, cigarettes make me extremely sick, so it was easy to give the up. But I started smoking again 1 week after I delivered. It was really sad to see 9 months go down the drain. Best of luck to you.