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Share your quitting journey

phew! day 4 past what a mess!

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Yesterday was a day I do not even want to reapeat for sure. I was so up tight omg! I am so ashamed of the way I was reacting to my hubby. I was just so full of anger and very impatient.  (tears falling)  I am grateful I did not pick up any of my addictions!!! I know it was only by Grace of God I did not because I was not in mind set of staying quit .  In the early morning I was grateful and feeling good and then wham I went from being Dr. Jekyl to  Mrs. Hyde.  all my addictions crying out to me yesterday saying  just one, come on you'll feel better, and blah blah blah blah blah. phew! 

Ok here we go day 5.  I will not pick up nothing NOPE!!!!!  I AM FREE and want to remain that way!!!! I have dental appointment today so good portion of my day will be car ride and treatments. I so hope not much longer til my new denture ready. I will arm myself with water, lemon juice and hopefully hubby will choose to go with me if he hasn't shunned me.  If he doesnt go, I will not stop any where other than dental office. Ok just thought...... not having top denture is prbly a plus at this point cuz it helps me to not want to be in public places which in turn helps keep me away from  familiar places that could be trigger or where I could buy anything. Lol!!! ok God works in mysteriouse ways even if it is only helping me see what I thought a negative and see it as a positive.  

7 Comentarios

It's very important that you turn negative tapes into positives!! Explain to Hubby that you'll be bitchy for a few more days and to please bear with you. The first week takes your "mindset" completely into not picking up a cigarette. You're doing great!! Keep blogging and you'll be able to see how you change as the days keep stacking!!

Candy     d127


You are riding the roller coaster....normal.    It can be fun when you are "up" and have energy and good intentions.   Then, out of no where, comes the low parts and it feels like you turn into someone different, say things and then turn behind you to see who could possibly have said it.      Now is the time you need to stay close to the site, use EVERY SINGLE TOOL you have been given.     I promise you it does get better!    Ride through this!

Stay strong.



Great job protecting your quit!♥I hope day 5 is a little better for you, hang in there and blog if you need help.


You are almost through hell week.  You are doing great.  The rollercoaster feeling will start settling down in the next 2 weeks.


I'm proud of someone new with all the hard days and still hanging in there. Keep up the good work and the good days will come. I'm not smoking but did an e-cigarette and now fighting that. Not proud of it but 80 days and no cigarette. They are in my garage as my husband smokes so don't know why my obseesion with e-cigarette and I can pass on the cigarette which I would prefer. I tried quitting wiith the e-cigarette and could not do it just wanted to smoke. Now have to figure me out again.  Carol Turner


thank you all!!!! I am so grateful to have all your support. Trip went pretty well. Few cravings but got past them with water, breathing and saying out loud NOPE I will not. Things didn't go quite as planned and I got emotional. It sucks not having denture and wont have new one prbly  2 weeks at least if all goes well for fit.  Time to make a list of what I am grateful for.  I am grateful that I did not have to smoke today, I am grateful that I am able to walk, see, hear. I will continue to add to this as I go.