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on day 2 of it was weird felt like i couldn't get a new patch on quick enough this morning when i woke up, and then the cravings died.  i don't how some of you have done cold turkey...kudos to those that have, but so far i notice i need the patch.


I am with you on the patches deal.  I could not have done it without them. The experts recommend Nicotine Replacement Therapy.  They say they increase your chances of success.  I believe it.  I have seen so many people stop using them and then eventually lose their quit.  You are doing great.  You will never regret your decision to quit smoking.  IT IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!


yeah i definitely think i need the help.  i want to use the patches for the prescribed length of time to make sure i can beat this!  thank you for your encouragement.




I stopped using them when I forgot to put one on two days in a row.  They helped in my opinion but I realized they didn't make me think of smoking any less.

The experts are paid by the manufactures to push them.

People who use the patch the entire course of treatment relapse at the same rate as any other method at 6 months.


thanks for the info...i know i need them now, but will try other ways to remain quit.  mostly trying to stay busy.


Day 2 is great and if those patches help then by all means use them.. This is tough, we can't sugar coat that but you know what Scott it is doable and a whole lot of us here on this site are living proof..  Educate yourself of this addiction, come here often, learn, absorb and blog, blog, blog.  Should you ever have a really weak moment and have thoughts of lighting up please, please come here first and write HELP in the header line and let US help you through it..  You will be surprised and the calvary that will come to your aid..

Keep up the great work!


436 DOF


One more thing

I believed in the patch enough to carry one in my wallet my whole first year with the promise to myself that I put put it on and wait an hour before I would smoke.

Never needed it


thank you Jackie.  i'll definitely be reaching out to you all!


Attaboy Scott! Whatever it takes.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Staying close to EX helped me so very much. Everyones quit is different and what works for one may not work for another. The patches did not help me but the inhaler did and EX did most of all.




Day two!! You can do this 🙂 Agree with the big Help blog if you get tempted! The most important advice from my past is that if for any reason you slip up do not stop coming here and to get your inner voice to be your asset. Get it to tell itself to just stop and shut up when the excuses start. ( I know that might sound a bit scizophrenic ) It really did help with my quit.  You might need to find different words to use, but please try it a few times. I started off with N.O.P.E. ( Not One Puff Ever ) and progressed to Stop and Just shut up. ( that last is the pg version btw, my inner voice needed an attitude adjustment once in awhile! ) You are off to a great a start! Looking forward to sharing day 3 with you tomorrow!! 


lol, thank you bj!  definitely going to try your suggestions.  went ahead and put the patch on last night before i went to bed, and that seemed to help with this morning...didn't really think about smoking when i woke up.  onto day 3, want to thank everybody for the support!


Many have vivid dreams from wearing the patch at night. Just letting you know. LOL

If you get irritated skin, move the patch around. Shoulder blade and outer arm seen to be the least sensitive.


hey i have, kind of cool...and feel like i'm getting a really deep, rested sleep.

 so far the patches are doing the job.  little trouble last night with cravings but just kept doing deep breathing, eating, and staying busy.


Actually, you are doing the job.