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one week smoke free

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I WAS a smoker for 18 years ( I can say that know).  

I am 36 years old and I have decided that it is time to stop the insanity and give up this horrible habit that I have.  It stinks, it will kill me, it's ugly and it's expensive.  Nothing good can come from this horrible habit.  

With that being said, I still think about having a cigarette at least 10 times a day, I think about how things won't be the same with out my "friend" the cig and I can't imagine myself a non smoker even though I will make it to one week being smoke free tomorrow.


Thinking about never being able to smoke for the rest of your life can be overwhelming, so just do it for today. That's a much easier concept to handle.

Just for today, I choose to be smokefree.


Hi natbae, Congrats on 1 week, tomorrow! That's a huge accomplishment, you should be very proud. As far as thinking about a cigarette 10 times a day, this will decrease over time. As far as life being the same, it will minus the perils of smoking. What you are doing for yourself by quitting is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. BTW, you are a non-smoker now, how does it feel?


congrats on being smokefree for a week!!!  The 'friend' is really our enemy and will never do us any good.  Continue taking one day at a time and stay close to this site.  I've been smoke free for 11 days and sometime I think about a cig, but I don't spend much time thinking about it.  I get busy and I always remember why I quit that nasty habit.  Stay strong...we can do this!!!


Imagine are ALREADY a non-smoker...xo




One thing we need to do in order to have a lasting quit, it change the way we think about smoking. Its completely normal to thinking about it all the time in the beginning of your quit.... that usually lasts for 3 or 4 weeks. But WHAT we think needs to change so that we don't end up smoking again down the line. The best way to do that is to stick close to this site and pay attention to what the Elders and EXperts say... and to do the suggested reading.  the link joy gave you is a helpful site to check out. What helped me to really believe and trust that I wasn't losing a friend by quitting, was Allen Carr. Here's the link for that.  I hope you check it out because it really is helpul!




Congrats on one week and welcome to the site! Hang out here - read!! Some of the things listed above - and check out the free course at: 

It will get better - really!! Congrats again and stay!! 

Congratulations 1 week is good the hardest part is almost over I lost many quits before because of similar feelings but something just clicked this time reading all these people's blogs and their suggested readings certainly did take up time . A good point I picked up was about a flat tire a smoker will smoke first then take care of tire a non smoker will just take care of tire that cigarette didn't make anything less stressful or any better just made it take longer and probably harder to breathe made me realize how dumb I've been all these years thinking I needed them .im sure you can do this just give it some more time

Congrats on one week and keep reading until it clicked, you are not losing a "friend" but an addiction known here as nicodemon, takes and takes and doesn't not return anything good for you only problems.


With friends like cigs, who needs know. Welcome and glad you are here. Read, listen and write your way to a life without cigs. People here do quit and stay quit and you can too. Remember Not One Puff Ever and you win.



With friends like cigs, who needs know. Welcome and glad you are here. Read, listen and write your way to a life without cigs. People here do quit and stay quit and you can too. Remember Not One Puff Ever and you win.
