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Share your quitting journey

ok ok ok I won't but the thought........

0 16 29
ok Tuesday I will have 28 days and I am so proud...this is like freedom of a bad habit the very back of my mind I am thinking ummmm.... maybe I can reward myself with one cigarette! I know - I know I can't take that one puff....I have done that in years past of course it doesn't work!!! I have never quit 28 days!!! But it's feeling like a death of never being able to hold that person again, touching that person, talknig to that quitting smoking I guess is like a death....time must heal, time will heal! thanks ev1 I needed to get this off my mind:) Have a great Sunday!
16 Comentarios
I know what you mean...In the begining I felt like I'd lost my best friend,my constant companion...It gets way easier...Remember N.O.P.E.=Not one puff ever!!!!
28 days rocks WTG!!! Keep up the great work!
As someone who is dealing with multiple addictions, I know that feeling. Your addiction is your lover, no matter how much it is killing you to have that addiction! One day at a time, and just fear relapse worse than you have feared anything else in the world! you can do this, there is nothing in the world worth smoking over.
You deserve to be all that you can be... without something ruling your life.
well its not a reward as you know, it's a one way ticket back into slavery.

I don't miss it at all.
It might help you more to look at how *not* smoking is rewarding you rather than longing for smokes that you can no longer have. Go forward into your new non-smoking life looking for all the things you are now free to do. I know cigarettes kept me from doing so many things, large and small. I'm grateful they're no longer in my life.
thanks ev1:) "slavery" is a great way of putting it jones! thanks
Jan - Slavery is the appropriate word, being a slave to the urge. The addiction is trying to lure you back, don't give up! You have the power!
nelly, it just shows a upgrade for photobucket???
I'm with jonescarp. I don't miss it at all either.

All this mourning about never being able to see your "friend" the cigarette that is killing you again is a slippery-slope of a mind-game you are putting on yourself. Those are the mind-game that kill quits. Your thoughts of smoking and nicotine addiction should not be focused on "giving up" something, but on gaining a life free of drug addiction. I really doubt that you you can name even one good thing that being a nicotine addict has ever done for you.

If you find yourself pining away over "your friend", I strongly recommend some education time with Allen Carr books and lessons at You can find links at the Candid Quitters group here. Just click VIEW ALL discussions. There are ton of links.

If you really view smoking and nicotine as it really is instead of some fairy tale, I can't imagine that you would ever feel the slightest sadness about never doing it again.
I read somewhere that people often feel the same way you are feeling when they give up their best friend is gone. They say to go ahead and morn it....cry if you need to and get it out of your system and then learn to live without it just like you have to when you loose someone you love. I'm only on day 5 of my quit and I think I might just take my own advice.....I think I'll just have myself a good cry!
don't even think about it!
Jan you are going to have to kill this friend of yours before they kill you. Get cold blooded and kill this addiction for once and for all. Thinking about that one smoke wont help ya to stay quit. Im on day 38 of my quit and the only way ive stayed smoke free is to not have that one cigarette. Hang in there and stay strong. You can do this.
Jan - I felt the same way in the beginning. Like I'd lost a family member or my best friend. So I cried and I cried and then I got over it. I had to realize this "best friend" was trying to take my life. That's not the kind of friend I wanted anymore. Hang it there and keep that friend buried forever!
But it's feeling like a death of never being able to hold that person again, Yes, but you see holding that person WILL BE the death of you. That's what you have to keep in mind. Probably something similar to living with an abusive spouse. It takes great courage and determination to make the break from something that although we know it's not good for us, we're "comfortable" with. Change is scary. And then when you've finally made the scary change you look back and say, "Wow! Why on earth did I wait so long."
doing great today:)
YAY! We like hearing that!