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Share your quitting journey

oh, how the mindset changes.

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Smoking is disgusting. Let's face it. I can't believe how I think about it now. When I first quit I used to think to myself. This is for me, I don't care if other's smoke, it's their right. Well, my mind has changed on that. When I park at a gas station, and someone is standing right ouside of doorway to the store sucking down the last few drags of their precious cancer stick before they go in....I can smell it from 30 ft. away, and I think it smells disgusting. My favorite watering hole in town allows smoking. The owner says if he gets busted he would rather pay the fine than lose clientel....but still. They have great music and craft beers, which is what I'm into. Not your run of the mill type beers, but a good variety of IPA's, Stouts, Porters, Lagers, and other delicious selections. But I have to deal with cigarette smoke when I'm there. It sucks when you're an EX. Not for the reason of wanting one. I don't want cigarettes anymore. I think they're gross. I can't stand the smell of them. When I go into stores I think they should be as illegal as heroin and cocaine. For those newbs who don't know me, I am a former heroin ADDICT. And lemme tell ya, the withdrawal from that is worse than withdrawaling from nicotine, but the mental with nicotine is harder. It's easier to walk away from something knowing that one push of a syringe could kill you. But with smoking you don't see the long term. At least not when you're young.....I've seen the results of OD'ing on heroin...which got me thinkin' I quit. (It wasn't easy, but I did) But I relapsed with nicotine...over and over and over and over again. It's some bullcrap. The point is, you really have to want it. And after several failed "attempts", I finally got sick of going through the withdrawals over and over, so I was determined. And it's true what they say, when you get that quit that you just know is "the one" really is. You can just feel it. But back to my original point. (sorry for the ADD folks!) my mindset has totally changed. I can't stand cigarettes now. I think they are the most vial, disgusting habit that there is. Totally gross. A lot of my friends still smoke, and when they come in from having one, I can't even stand to be around them. Gross. Disgusting. I absolutely hate it now, which is where I need to be if I'm gonna protect my quit I suppose. It seems to be working for me. Good luck to everyone, and thanks for letting me ramble. I drank a lot of coffee on my day off today. LOL!!!



3 Comentarios

I hate it too. The smokers outside the stores sucking down look rediculously stupid to me, and when my son and his wife come back in the house from smoking the smell sickening. Good to see you jumped back on the quit can do this! 🙂


I just want everyone to know that I'm a lot like Jonilou above....It's only in mind. I don't express these feeling to anyone out loud. I wouldn't want to be the hypocrite who used to smoke a pack and a half a day, the guy who loved cigarettes, the guy who didn't wanna hear it from people who quit saying how" he should too, it feels great" now saying he hates them with a passion."

I keep it all to myself 🙂


i just want to say how proud of you i am, to break away from these drugs, i am just on 28 days quitbut i feel this is my last quit. hang in there