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Share your quitting journey

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setting here down and out I can't believe, that I shot myself in the foot. Well on my way to 5 months.  And went and gave into the nicodemon and SMOKED  A GAIN ARG!!!!!   Sat for over an 1 hr and thought about SMOKING my daughter saying you don't need to smoke.  You've gone over 4 months smoke free.  I kept looking at those butts and fighting the nicodemon, instead of letting the feeling go in out of ME, instead breathing, walking, crying,  letting what is bothering me go in and out me. All I can do is dust myself off and start all over again.

15 Comentarios

where'd you get the gun?

Is your husband a smoker? Your daughter?

I'm saddened that you gave in to the lie.

Until we undo the thought that smoking gives something positive, we are doomed


Summer, I'm sad to hear this. I hope you start over from the beginning as soon as possible, with a new respect for the power of Addiction and Relapse.

You know, you hit the nail on the head when you said, "Sat for over 1 hour and thought about SMOKING..." After 2 minutes, you should have GOT UP and WALKED AWAY. Drank some water. Did some breathing. Logged on to EX and posted your situation to all of us here. Asked for help. Or walked right out of the house until you had control again.

I'm not beating you up here; that's not my style. I'm just saying that you already know, yourself, what you did wrong. Fix it going forward, okay?

Oh, and why were there butts to be looked at? That situation needs to be erased, and those butts need to go from your environment. Now.


It is so true - the more you think about it the more you drag yourself back under. I wish you had chosen not to smoke. Nest time that is all you have to do. 

I don't smoke any more!

You don't HAVE to smoke. Ever. For any reason. There is NO good reason to smoke. 

Addiction is powerfulr, but you can be stronger!


Ohh I am so sorry, I can't possibly say anything apart from that it is a nasty nasty addiction , if only you decided to walk away ....... 

I feel SO bad for you. I'm wondering too, where were the cigs? I think I'd be toast by now if someone else had them around!! Or if I went and bought any.... "Keeping them away from your face" IS the only way! Take everything you've learned and keep going. I won't call it starting over. You are so much further along now - you can do it. Don't give up!! oxox.

Hi Summer :-),

Well you watched me go through what you are going through right?  It only hurts for a couple of days.  In my case, the best pain reliever that I had @ my fingertips, was to get right back onto a brand new quit and treat that day as the first day of the rest of my life.  Does that sound a little too much?  Well, if you think that...then the nicodemons are in your head and doing everything they can to keep you from getting back into the life of being an eX smoker. 

I got my pride bruised, and let me tell you that it hurt me deeply inside too.  I'm not trying to lessen the event @ all.  On the other hand, I want you to take the seriousness of the moment & turn those strong emotions into fuel necessary to get this quit firm in hand and move forward without feeling sorry about the lost time.  Instead, look forward to the absolute positive grasp you are going to have in the future as a result of this.  Now that you have tasted the pain of relapse, remember it well, and committ to never do anything again that would cause you to taste it again.  Value you quit. 

So my dear friend, reset your quit date to today, pledge to not smoke today and watch how quickly your quality of your quit will start to become apparent.  Trust me when I tell you, soon, you will realize that this quit you're about to start, is the most precious gift or posession that you have.

So rejoice in the future, and grasp it,


ken  aka  Pops  18 days (and never better)


jump back on the wagon,  if you want to quit. don't set and drell on smoking, it will get you every time.


Everyone has made some valid points so I wasn't going to add my 2 cents but something made me re-read your last blog 3 days ago.

I am so sorry you Forgot and chose to smoke. Jump back on the freedom train ASAP and NEF.



Yes my daughter does smoke, Dale there is a pot where she keeps the cigg butts.

I did buy the lies, specially since I feel depressed. excusses, excusses


storm how right you are!!!!


storm how right you are!!!!


thanks to everybody. I need to hear what is  being said. What I'm doing and not doing what I know I have to do.   Good Grief!!!! How pitiful I'm ????  I should left her house.. Her uncle, girlfriend was over talking  about having ovarian cancer. Instead of feeling down for her, and everything else going on in my life.  I should said a prayer for her.


What I am missing here is seeing the blog where you reached out to us to help you get passed that! I do not see a refference to you phoning a friend here, to give them a chance to talk you through it! I don't see where you read you list of reasons for not smoking!

As adults, we generally do what we want to do! I hope you will reach a point where you want to stay quit more than you want to smoke!

You need to set up your lifelines and use them as needed! We are here to help you over the rough spots! Use us! Because we care!


So ya messed up now don't let that stop you 

from starting over . Just remember when you feel 

a craving come to this site . Don't give in never . 

You  can do this just be strong . Good luck 2 ya 

TINKERBELL 1/10/2013


Just Start over I'm confused why you put there is pot there where she keeps her ciggerrett  butts  did you smoke that did that cause you to smoke or seeing it just cause you to currious the conection to why you slipped up don't be to hard on yourself just learn from it we are all close to slipping at some point but if we stay strong long enough it gets pretty easy to not need it if you get right back on your quit should help a lot not to go through all the withdrawls