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Share your quitting journey

not going well

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I set my quit day for today but it is not going as planned, as I definately havent quit. Frankly I didnt even try hard enough. This is such an addiction for me.  I have done the Chantix, almost quit for 3 months. The patches give me a headache and are too easy to just remove and resume smoking.

I am obsessed with smoking and no kidding when I try to quit all I think about is smoking, it is so bad I dream about smoking. Why does it have to be so hard for me?? All I want is to be smoke free and have tried many many times to make it happen. Willpower is not exactly one of my strong suits.

I want to be able to breathe better. Cant even walk up the steps without losing my breath. Not giving up but am having a had time making it happen.


yeah, i had a really hard time too... then i decided to try another way...i read allen carrs book the easy way to quit smoking  just a few pages at a time... and something wonderful happened... i have been uit for 4 days now... heres the link, in case you want to try it


but remember you didnt start smoking in one day.. dont expect to quit in one day either... it does take alot of hard work and practice try it


Hi have you read Allen Carrs book.?

If you have not ....It would be hard. it was hard for me until I found this site and did the home work suggested to my fellow  ex smokers. the support and the knowledge so woth the effort

Renee 20 and counting

Allen Carr’s Book


Every one of us has a "hard time making it happen." After all the excuses, we're still left with our addiction.......I feel for you, but please know that it's an uphill battle for all of us. I'm sure that others wiser than I will comment on your blog and offer good advice, but please know that I hear you loud and clear.


My 1st mentor here EX Nancy posted this...It worked for me!

"The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...

CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to honor that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable it is.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes."

The reading makes the difference...we were all just as addicted as you! xo


You were already given the suggestion of Mr. Carr's book....also go to and read EVERYTHING!

Not trying to be unsympathetic.....but EVERYONE of us felt as you do. It is not just harder for are not the only one who thought constantly of are not the only one who thought this was impossible.

However, as you can or will see from the numbers of us on IS quite possible. It is not easy and at times it is hard. This site is a GREAT place to come to whenever you want a cigarette....just blog as you did here and any time of the day or night SOMEONE will be here. The support is trmendous.

You can do this. It is so worth it.

Stay Strong


If I could reach out and wrap my arms around you, I would! Please read Allan Carr's book. I think that once we smokers are brought aware of the reality of the addiction we, not being stupid people, can grasp how easy it can be to STOP SMOKING. We start smoking not thinking of it as an addiction. We at no point acknowledge that we become a slave to the drug. It is when we try to stop that we realize something is not right. A habit is easy to change. What is wrong with us that we can't change this habit. With a little education about how we've been duped by nicotine we CAN stop the addictive behavior.

Please read Allan Carr's book. After reading his book you will not struggle to quit but you will celebrate not smoking. I have been a non-smoker for almost 2 months now and know that I will never puff poison again.

Quitting successfully has nothing to do with willpower! Actually willpower doesn't work! It's about decision! You make a decision not to smoke just for today and you respect yourself enough to honor that decision! Easy??? Heck, no! But doable! For sure! You can do it! Read the info! Find your Quititude and get rid of all sickerettes and temptation! It's a matter of Life or Death!!!

If you really do want it, don't give up. Pick yourself up and reset. You are in the right place. Read Allen Carr's book and Thomas is right, you made the decision, honor yourself. You deserve it. And last but certainly not least, take what works and leave the rest. I read like to make a daily pledge even if I can't get logged in to do it online. I pledge that I will not smoke cigarettes for the nEXt 24 hours and I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to you.


if you're going to quit, DO NOT KEEP ANY AROUND AFTER YOU QUIIT!!!

it's called making it more difficult to fail


I smoked for 28 years and I felt exactly the same way that you describe. I dreamed about smoking and obsessed about smoking. It's scary to quit and change your whole life. I had two failed quits after a few days. This is my final quit! I know this is it because I found this site with the most supportive expert quit role models and Carr's book. It is my favorite book of all time and I've been sending it to smoker friends. Better than the bible for me because it filled my head with mantras to use when thoughts of smoking creep in. 

I changed my diet and started exercising three months before my quit date. That also helps. You will do it when you're ready and it will be the best decision of your life. We will be here for you all the way. Keep at it. You only fail if you stop trying.

Love, Jen


Hey there. So WHY isn't it going as planned? What were your plans for this day? Specifically. What techniques had you in place when cravings came? You say you "didn't even try hard enough." Why not? Did you just ASSUME you wouldn't make it? Because of past failures? The past is not the present nor the future. When I tried to quit, when we ALL try to quit - we obsessed about cigarettes. That's normal. But quitting is a skill that can be learned. And you have to be willing to do the work. You have to study and practice and prep very well for this journey. Did you? I don't mean just taking an NRT - that's not work. You have to educate yourself about the addiction and you have to learn to re-train your brain. It's not as difficult as you think it is. It's a matter of learning how to change your focus off of a cigarette, off of obsessing about a cigarette. So again I ask - what mental and physical techniques had you in place for today to help you with cravings? Because this is not about willpower as much as it is about commitment and re-training our thought processess. But buttom line is, if you aren't willing to try hard enough, and beyond that, you won't make it. 'Cause it takes everything you've got to beat this. You simply have to put in the effort necessary to make such a major change in your daily life. Is it worth it to you? Can you commit to that? Oh please say "yes." And be free.


If you believe you can, you can! What is going to make you believe you can do this!

I would love to think I suffered more than everyone else but how is that helpful!?! I know that even "happy quitters" have horrible days....they don't dwell on them! Quitting sucks,but I'm pretty sure dieing of slow suffocation is far worse! You put your last cigarette out and you don't ever smoke again! It's really simple when you stop letting the addiction make your decisions for you!


Thank you to all of you for the support. I will take all the advice and suggestions and will look for that book. I am also calling the dr in the morning, the Patches just are not working for me. I take it off about as soon as I put it on, so I am going to see about something I cant just take right off.

Somehow some way I WILL DO THIS. I am going to make it, dont know when but I am going to do it.


There is no magic! There are no patches or pills or gum that will take the place of personal responsibility! This is something you must do!

The way to do that is to educate yourself about your addiction! Know what to EXpect and be prepared for it! If a quit smoking aid can help you that is great! But, if you do not commit to yourself, an aid is useless! Aids only assist us in doing what we are determined to do! If you are not committed to the goal, you will not be committed to using the aid!

Read and learn! Then set a realistic goal for your committment! Understand your map before you start the journey! You can do this! We have, and we will help you!   Tommy