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Share your quitting journey

new day, same old crap

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So last night I smoked what I said was my last cig.  I just kept repeating that over and over.  There was one more smoke left in the pack before I went to bed and I figured my guy would smoke it in the morning and go to work.  Well............

He smoked half of it and left me the other half.  I know he was being sweet in his own way.  But I only lasted an hour and a half after that little half a cig.  God I'm weak!!!  Bought a pack   😞

This happens pretty much EVERY time I say "this is my last cig".  I give myself peptalks and get ready for the withdrawls and then I wake up to find a cig or a half a cig sitting there.  I've told him NOT to do that but, he keeps doing it!  I love him but it's driving me nuts.  So now I get to have another talk with him when he gets home today.

Starting over


Hey at least you posted here, I'm sorry you bought another pack tho. You could always put the remaining cigarettes under running water. Hope to hear from you soon. Keep us posted on you quit! Good Luck!!!


until you decide to quit? you'll just do the same thing over and over.


I think I'm going to disable comments next blog post.

This was more of a vent, didn't want your two cents jonescarp.

Thanks MzMelanie.


why did you smoke the half a cig?

you had already said you you were done and then the thought of your boyfriend saving it for you was your reason for undoing your decision that you were done?


Heather a patch before you go to bed will help for the first 2 weeks. You will wake up and not have a craving, in fact you will probably take the half cig and toss it.


Oh you don't want the truth?

You want people to feel sorry for you?

I'm sorry I gave you advice. I won't try to help you again.


jonescarp is just kind of abrasive so I agree with you on that one. Don't ask me why cuz I don't know him but from what I've seen I don't care to. This community is filled with supportive people who aren't him so keep coming back and don't disable comments because one person is rude.


I'm not here to be your friends or kiss anybody's behind.

I try to get people beyond their BS as quickly as possible.


Jonescarp is not "abrasive" as you see it....he is speaking to the addictive side of you that says it's okay to keep using, recovering and relapsing.....when it comes down to friends here, your won't find a better friend than Jonescarp. I'm on 410 days free from smoking thanks to him and all of the others here that don't sugar-coat this addiction. Nancy


Heather, I hope you do start over.

The thing is, unless you start over DIFFERENT, you'll wind up with the same result.  If what you want to do is keep doing what you been doing, trying, failing, venting -- man.  That sounds painful.


Heather, please don't give up on this site.  Jonescarp has his own style and is helpful to many people trying to quit.  But his responses to blogs are not typical of the members' responses. You will find, however, that he is telling the truth, and he has a great sense of humor, too. 

While you are getting ready to quit, educate yourself.  Nancy is probably messaging you right now with the links to some very good sites for you to read.  I will check back to make sure you got them.

I well remember the days of "quitting" every time you turned around, for a couple hours in the morning, then scrounging for a butt or going out at some unGodly hour to buy some.  And then feeling ashamed.

This time, I made a decision, I picked a date to quit.  I got ready, I prepared, I read about the addiction, and I read the blogs on here.  I also asked questions.

This is not easy.  But it is not complicated.  Once my husband asked our family doctor how to quit smoking (for me; he doesn't smoke cigarettes) and doc said, "Put them down and walk away."  I thought he was being a smart-ass.  Turns out he was right, but I had to learn some things before I saw the sense in that.

Almost 70 days ago I quit cold turkey.  I looked at it like, okay, I'm done.  You sound like you are a young person (not too many Heathers over 50, I think) and I beg you to do this thing now instead of waiting like I did. I am not far into my quit, but I really believe that I AM done forever.

Okay?  go to my page and message me if you don't want all the comments.  I promise to tell the truth, but not beat you with it.


Yeah that is good advice! Message me if you want to talk. I'm not very far into my quit but I'm staying quit. I even went to the gas station and got gas instead of gettin a pack of cigarettes! Took my kid out to a sprinkler park and seen people smoking but didn't bum one I do think it's gonna stick this time and would be happy to talk to you about the addiction it didn't take me one or two times to quit it took me several. You are not alone.


You can do it when you really want to!


Have you taken at look at the reading I suggested yesterday? It really can help to learn about this addiction.....really!


I know dale and he is a very caring helpful person, he saved my quit  when I needed it most.  If you do not like his style okay just move on no need for insults, that is not what the EX site is for. If you do not like to be told what you need to do to quit why do you ask for help?  I smoked 54 years so I know how hard it is to quit.  Until you make up your mind you are not going to smoke no matter what nothing is going to help.  If you need NRT of some kind get it, there is nothing wrong with that.  I used it for a short time and it helped.  Your mindset is the most important thing in your quit. You decide you ARE quitting and honor that decision. I have been smoke free 485 days and you can be also.


Prepare read read I tell you I reader have JOhn'scraps way of hearing or your body's way copd or cancer, stroke,death or other way. the question is why do you smoke??????????????


And when your loving hubby leaves his cig thru it out

I agree to this is my second real quit and Dale is good he sounds harsh but means well he has helped me and alot of others on this site you can quite if you really want like strudel said read and educate yourself and you'll do fine if your serious about quiting you won't pick up that cigarette remove it all from your house...

in response to using the patch:  I was told by my midwives and Doctors that using the patch to quit while pregnant isn't advised.  They said to try the gum, so I did.  But it makes my gums bleed and my teeth hurt.  My only real option left is cold turkey.

I'm in a low low place right now.  Harsh words only make me feel worse about myself and do not encourage me in any way.  While it is the truth, I'm hard enough on myself already.  So, thanks but no thanks I guess.  I'm just not ready for tough-love right now. 

I'm pregnant and hormonal, I cry about everything.  I worry and stress about everything.  If I had the money for professional couseling and the means to get there, I would do it.  Alas I'm stuck with the internet and you wonderful people as my support.