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Share your quitting journey

mixed emotions

1 11 130

good morning! so i write whats on my mind if im makin excuses i dont mean to. i do work on myself and im feelin excited to be quitting soon. my book should be here by the 9th. thats a slight problem since my quit is tyhe 29th. ive decided im goin to get the free one on here and just read. i just went to the library yesterday and didnt think to look for it or ask cuz i thought mine would be here. im pretty confident i can quit. i had a terrible migraine yesterday and a slight one today. i want to say that this is an awesome group to be able to get things out of your mind. i appreciate help n comments however just having somewhere to get this off my chest alone helps. 

11 Comentarios

Not a lot of respondents today. I suggest finding people you identify with and reading their blogs. Go to their page and click on blogs under their picture and follow their journy and read the responses to their posts.


I think you will do this!!  Yes, read the Allen Carr's book when you get it, it will help so much!!!

Sorry about your migrane.

Also reading at helps a lot.

I am on this journey with you.


Hello, there is a lot of other reading that you can do on this site and many others. Like Dale said find someone you connect with and read their old blogs. That will give you a lot of insight and information! Congratulations on setting a quit date!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I think you will be amazed at the knowledge you will gain from the Allen Carr book.  Do read the online pdf of it....and you will then have your paper copy to review when you feel the need.

Read, read and read some more here and on and  All these places have great information.  The more informed your quit, the more successful you are likely to be.

Blog anytime!



I'm hearing lots of EXCUSES. I've been there and it all boils down to FEAR OF FAILURE!! Keep reading about addiction. Get your MINDSET right!! I can't emphasize enough how a positive attitude will get you thru those first 3 days of FREEDOM, AND THEN YOU'RE ON YOUR JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY, as well as no more cigarettes. We will be here to help. I did it cold turkey and loved Allen Carr's book. A major help!!  YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Candy      173    DOF


Welcome to the site and congratulations on making the best decision that you will ever make in your life, you have lots of great advice above me, definitely read everything you can find to help strenghten your resolve to quit, you can do this, be willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful. 


thank you to everyone for your support. im goin to check out those other sites now. i have already started the pdf version.


We are all here to help you in any way that we can.  I got my copy of The Easy Way to Quit from our local library.  I don't live in a big town so I would expect that most libraries carry it.  

DO prepare CAN do this, take care of your quit the same loving way you are going to take care of that newborn baby!

If I can do this, anyone can.  I have 825 days smoke free now...remember that craves may be uncomfortable but they will go away whether you smoke or not AND they will NOT kill you, no one can say that about smoking!

Welcome. Congratulations on setting your quit date. Keep preparing for your quit!

Please, don't be too hard on yourself in your try. I've been on the patch for the past 5 weeks, slipped and smoked 4 cigarettes during that time. If you slip, just forgive yourself and keep going. It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude, but I believe you and I can succeed.