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Share your quitting journey


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It's 2:30am. My life has been realiy hard this month. I have been working my butt off trying to stay focus and breathing through the problems after problems. Everything is coming out of left field. I woke up at 2am and like a dumb a$$ smoked, Yes, it made me feel worse so I will not be doing that again. I know that going back to the old habit will not make things better. SO I am not going to do that. so again not going back that way. If you all could send some loving thoughts and hugs my way, it would help. Thank you.

14 Comentarios

Hugs coming your way. Don't look back, a lot of ex smokers slip up. Do not beat yourself up, just start over and you can do it. I know myself the urges hit so hard and so strong but you have to be stronger. We are all here for you so if in trouble typle help and someone will be here for you.

God bless



Thank you, Carolyn! It is really nice knowing people are here for you! I am just going to put that lapse in judgement behind me and move forward! It's a new day or a new moment!!


((((Hugs))))  Move forward and don't look back!!  You can do it.


So glad you quickly turned your quit around.  I myself have many many quits behind me but they lasted three weeks before I turned them around again.  May I ask why were the cigarettes available?  You might have another smoker in the house that I'm not aware of.  It they were yours you need to get rid of those rotten scoundrels!!  Haha.  Try not to beat yourself up too bad.  We're human, and we make mistakes.  You will know it when it is your forever quit at least I did.


Morning.     First of all, I have the same question as Deena had......why were there cigarettes around at 2:30 in the morning?       And I will add the question What did you do to NOT smoke before you actually smoked and relapsed?       How many days did you have in before this relapse?    What are you going to do to not relapse again?    I know it sounds like I'm bombarding you with questions but I would really like (for you) that you look at these things.   So, sit down with yourself and figure this out, reset your quit date and then come here more often and Read/Blog/Listen to the Elders and the Wise Ones.    We are all here to help.    

Stay Strong!

Sharon 389 DOF


OOPS.....missed this!



Well to answer the questions: my husband is a smoker. I told him what happened. He hid his smokes. I could come up with a million excuses as to why I did it, but they are all just that excuses. it has been 93 days, no relaspes until now. I slipped up and I am fully aware of what I did. It was a very stupid, very bad poor judgement call.  I accepted that it can not happen again and i will be proactive not to do it again. Looking forward to getting on with my day and put this horrible action behind me!!


Sorry things are tough and you are having a hard time. Hang in there and you will begin to realize it only makes things worse to smoke.  I am so much calmer dealing with adversity than I was as a smoker.  I love it so much I wouldn't go back.  Figure out what you were feeling when you smoked.  Then know that feeling is a huge trigger.  That way you can be prepared for the next time.  I slipped 9 days after I quit.  I figured out I was trying to treat depressed feelings.  It has been 321 days.  I was prepared.  You can do this !


First, I'm going to give you what I think you need most right now!

penguin love

Now, some advice and encouragment!

you may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated // maya angelou #strong


I'm glad you are still with us!


At least you know you made a's too bad that there are still cigarettes in the house.  I had many failed quits because I kept my OWN around.

You need to blog...daily if possible, it will give you strength and, of course, we will give you hugs and love.  I am pretty sure you are beating yourself up over this and that is more than enough.

Peace, Ellen


93 days put you 2/3 of the way into no mans land.


Just remember to keep them away from your face!  Hang in there.



Now, please , please don't have any cigarettes in the house, please ask your husband for his help on this, you are in NML, it is a tricky road as it is without having them poisonous sticks within your reach.

Second, you can't change the past but you can definitely change the future 🙂

All the best x