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life is good (when you can breathe )

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Hello everyone ,merry xmas and a very happy healthy new yr too 🙂

this is a new pic of me ,its a wk old ( my profile) 5 months after my lung transplant 🙂 I have every singelething to be thankful for this yr ,a 2nd chance at life whats better then that right, To quit smoking after 40 yrs was the hardest thing to ever do in my life,( so I thought ) When I finally made the right choice, I had lost my mom to copd /lung cancer I dedicated my quit to my mother and never smoked again but by then I was at stge 4 already, by may of 2012 my pulmo said i needed To be listed reli soon so i was listed a few das later for lung transplant & unos called me 5 days later,yeaa wow is right, thought I was lookin at 6mo to a yr 🙂 at least but later new it was just a matter of time .was told mayb a few months . So the irish and italian blood came out in me and i fought like a champ:) finaly got a new lung june 28th 2012 :))) I still have my right copd lung which is called my naive lung 🙂 can still get exacerbations, my lung functionwas 17% on oxygen 24/7 / now been off 02 ,off all breathing meds even inhalers since 4th of julyfor 02 breathing meds since july 10th 🙂 ,today my lung capasity is up to 74%..I was in rejection already for a month , im now infection free over a month & on my way to recovery 🙂 I have to watch for ppl with colds, so i have to wear a surgical mask when out , ur cold can be my deadly pnmonia, have to watch foods I eat ,like no red meat , bacteria, no shell fish for a yr, sux for me for xmas eve 🙂 I luv shell fish , but im alive and breathing.. I thank god every single day for my life 🙂 I know many who died waiting or died within 2 yrs time so far I consider me very lucky. well, newbies.. give it up ,think of all the bad places smoking will take you too , ask urself one good thing it does for u, if u say calms me down, not true ,I thought that too but do u relize its stress u more, yea it does, if ur running low onSICKORETTES you panic low on money you borrow to pay back , some borrow from peter to pay paul 🙂 lmao Now that im smokefree im more calmer and alot stronger .. hey life is as good as we make it, so its up to you guys to live or suffer. do you truly no how it feels to suffocate while wide awake, its scary let me tell you ,most of all for my kids to watch me like that , iit wasnt fair to them eaither, so we only live one well sometimes twice LMAO seen something someplace the other day says,, we say we only live once,but not true, we live everyday but we onlly die once!!! think about it..stay smoke free find ur motorvation and make it last a life time :)) its xmas make it a gift you give to urself...LIFE:)) WELL GONA FINSISH MY STRUFFOLIS NOW 🙂 Hope you all have a very happy healthy smokefree breathing easy xmas !! jingle bells jingleeee all the wayyyyyy to the top 🙂


Hi Joanne, SO happy that you are doing well now...and you're right, you had TWO chances to live...I'm so happy that you are alive after all you've been thru...LOVE YOU girl...♥


Nancy luv ya,, :))) hope ur doing good this season ,like every other season lmao been so busy nancy latly but thats a good thing hehe 


Hi Jojo. That's an amazing story. Your determination and resiliency are an inspiration. Great attitude!  Merry christmas to you!


Thank you.  Big Hugs to you



love you. Merry Christmas


It's wonderful to see you Jojo, I am so happy you are doing good. Much love coming your way.

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jojo.. you made me stand up and take notice of what reality is....... LOVE YOU, GIRL!


you are a great lady, jojo , you are a big help on this site, i am so happy you are doing good, love you a bunch


Hi Jojo. Lov & Hugs!!


thanks danno it was one hell ofa ride lmao brenda froggy 🙂 thank u guys alot happy to see utoo as always 🙂 kris, every now and then ill put it here as the new guys on the block need to hear it ,if i get one person out of 5 im ok with that 🙂 lois thank u so much, how are u doing ... cyn always got my back here lmao luv u all :))


Keep going strong!


Wow JoJo!  I'm soooo stoked to hear you are doing so well! The last time I remember chatting with you, I believe you were still in the hospital. Things weren't so cheery for you at that point!  But by the grace of God..... here you are!!  And the world is better because of it!  Congrats!!!


Hi Joanne...

Thanx for you continuing to share your story with us here.  I'm so glad that you're doing much better now.  I hope that you have an asolutely wonderful Christmas and a super healthy New Year!



So good to hear from you and know you are doing so well! May you have the happiest Christmas ever!!!


Hi Jojo. I am so happy to know you have been doing so well!! I started my quit again on the 1st and feeling so good about it. I missed you while I was gone and sure hope we can still be friends!! Take care and Gpd Bless You Dear Lady!!!  Louise 🙂