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Share your quitting journey

just reading blogs

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7 days to my quit day. I was just reading blogs about the membership dropping, I sure hope it hasn't, I found this site by accident and I would really hate to lose it. The blogs that I have read are really helping me get my mind right before my quit day, as a matter of fact they make me feel guilty for even smoking now. I may even choose to quit earlier than my quit day. Everyon have a good day, and TY for the support I have recieved so far.          


12 Comentarios

I hope you are also doing the reading linked for you earlier?  A LOT of folks here (including me) give a lot of credit to the information learned from the Allen Carr book. 

I am so glad you are taking your preparation and planning seriously.  It really DOES make a difference in your success.

Carry on!



TY for the comment and the encouagement. I have read Allen Carr book about a year ago, but i guess I wasn't ready then but I am reading it again now. Thanx again                                                                                                                                                     jim                                                                                                                                


Continue with your prep work - I was on day 3 of my quit when I discovered this site and all the usefull information here.  I see nothing wrong with starting your quit earlier than planned as long as you feel that you are ready.  Best wishes to you!


Congratulations!!  I hope your quit goes well.


This site isn't going anywhere.  It is very successful.  I think the comment you read was that people come here and are doing well and then start smoking again.  To be expected..  Quitting smoking isn't easy.  It is however doable with this site especially.  You will do fine.  It is the best place in the world to be if  your goal is to quit smoking.  Keep coming here.  Welcome!


I will say this. I'm 385 days smoke free, and don't come on this site as much as I should...for a reason. Strange as it may sound, I don't think much about smoking as I did and it's usually when I come on here (to see if I can help anyone) that I start thinking about cigarettes. Not that I want to That's not it. Just that I was a smoker...etc. Kind of the out of site out of mind type thing. Hope that makes sense!


Glad you found this site, and it does help. Stay strong and come here to post, read comments, and learn. There are a lot of great people here with wonderful advise!




Welcome to the site!!  You are getting prepared with the readings and all the great sites of information!! Got your quit kit ready. A list of reasons you want to quit!! Shawn just posted today a lot of sites.  Stay close to the site ,read the blogs and blog yourself and don't hesitate to ask questions and blog for  help if you need to,  to get thru a crave!!! i am 431 days and I know I couldn't have done it if I didn't have this site. Take it one day at a time!!!

Best wishes for a great quit

Mag431days of freedon


Hey Jim,


I am 599 days free. This is a great site. The folks here really help you in protecting your quit. For the initial first few days... to the daily pledge .... to Sarah's NML blog .... to riding the freedom training... to just shooting the breeze when needed.

I am so happy you have joined.



We will always be here for you!!!


The sky is not falling! We are not going anywhere!


Welcome!  Glad you are here!  We will be here for you!


YOU have made the most amazing decision of a life time.  Please stick close to this site.  Educate yourself on this addiction that we are all carrying around and lets find the best way for YOU to beat it.  It is so doable as you can see by the numbers on this site~and WE are all here to help you!  Come here often an read, blog, laugh, cry, pray, we do it all  and It is one big happy family.  I am so glad that you found us and I hope we see you oftern!


317 DOF