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Share your quitting journey

insomnia - advice?

1 16 327

I cannot sleep going on night four. First night I barely slept and now night four, I slept from 10 pm to 2 am. I do not know if I can keep up like this. How long will the insomnia last? I have never had issues sleeping. 

I started Chantix 11 days ago and have not smoked for 6 now. Any advice and how long did the insomnia last? I cannot go on with no sleep...Melatonin does not help, either. Thank you! 

16 Comentarios

Did you hear from your doctor?   I mentioned this in the other post.  Not sleeping can't be a side effect of Chantix or quitting smoking.  



Chantix could cause the insomnia, anti-depressants I was prescribed during an old 6 months quit started my forever insomnia.  You could try Benadryl, OTC, it is an anti-allergic, very little/none side effects.  It helped me for years, till the insomnia required something stronger which I still combine with the Benadryl every night.  There is another homeopathic remedy, made by Highland's called "Calm", some grocery stores are carrying it, that also helped me for a while. A coup of warm milk can help you go back to sleep when you awake in the middle of the night.  Talk to your doctor, but I wanted to let you know of lighter alternatives, other than going directly on an insomnia drug.

Good luck!


Well, I've had luck doing this stuff. Hang in there because there is a solution to your insomnia...keep looking and trying different stuff until you succeed. Yes you can!

No coffee after early afternoon

Do relaxed stuff three hours before bed time

Drink warm milk, doesn't need to be a lot, just before bed

Ask your Doc about over the counter sleep meds. My favorite is half dose of unisom an hour or so before bedtime. Second half (if I need it) just after getting into bed

Think peaceful thoughts while you are lying in bed waiting to fall asleep...if your mind wanders to trouble go back to something peaceful...keep doing this. Do not allow yourself to have an internal conversaion about anything stressful, including inability to fall asleep

Listen to white noise or something like it. Lots to choose from, wind, ocean, ohm chants--youtube has a ton of these

Bright light during the day, good exercise, good diet 

Cat naps

Lack of sleep is not a good reason to smoke. Actually there are no good reasons to smoke. 

Member   And there are some great meditation videos on YouTube by Jason Stephenson to help you sleep. 


You have received some great advice above me...especially the tips from Barb Barbscloud ... ~ Colleen 547 DOF 


You are all so amazing! I had no idea people would get back to me so quickly and be so helpful! THANK YOU! 

Doctor appointment is this afternoon - hopefully, she will have some advice on the Chantix. In the meantime, I will try what you have all suggested. Honestly, I have ZERO desire to smoke and have been determined to quit for so long so that is not an issue. I am just afraid of the lack of sleep - it is obviously not healthy and I am barely functioning. I just wonder how many weeks this will drag on...


I wonder why melatonin is not working for me? It used to work immediately and at 5mg and I have now tried 10 with no outcome. 


I am not sure Vlad0006‌, I can't take Melatonin, even if it helps falling asleep, it makes for all kind of weird dreams, I get up more tired then I go to sleep


You might also ask your doctor about changing up the dose schedule for the Chantix.  Taking it earlier in the day might help.  Be sure to turn off all electronics at least three hours before bedtime; be sure your room is dark and cool. Do be VERY careful about caffeine consumption.  Less is better - even early in the day.  It has a greater effect on your body chemistry when you quit smoking.  Note that chocolate also has caffeine....    

Take a nap if you are able, and keep a crossword puzzle book next to the bed to help get your mind off of un-relaxing thoughts and work on it instead of worrying about not sleeping.

I can't tell you when the insomnia will end; everyone's body chemistry reacts differently to quitting.  Trying any (or all) of the advice given might hurry it along.  It is not an uncommon reaction to quitting smoking.

Hang in there - can't tell you when, but I CAN tell you it will get better!



Glad you felt somebody cared...because we do!  Yes, keep trying things to find what works. 


I've been having some trouble with sleeping too. Like Daniela said that "Calm" stuff can be helpful, it's basically magnesium and relaxes your muscles, its a powder you drink. (I think it you need to make sure it's ok if you are taking certain medications). I also focus on deep breathing. You just focus on your breath, instead of how you can't sleep, and the deep breathing relaxes the mind and body. I hope you get some sleep soon.


Such wonderful advice in the posts above Vlad0006‌... and I  also want to commend you on *** ELEVEN *** DAYS *** 


I will share that I had problems with getting to sleep and also with staying asleep for approximately the first six weeks of my quit. I do know this timing varies from person to person and that some folks don't even have this issue.

As for me, I took OTC Benaryl 25 mg about an hour before bedtime. If per chance it shouldnt work I would then take an additional 25 mg (which is within the accetabke dose.) However, as with any new OTC medication, you should check with your doctor first to see if you are on any meds that might cause interactions orif  have a neurological condition to include such diagnoses as seizures, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. I've found that talking with or leaving a message for the nurse works best. She/he will then question the doctor and get back to you with an answer.

I hope your sleeping issues resolve soon as they can throw your life out of whack, for sure~ 

Best wishes,



Was the doctor able to help you?



We are pulling for you Vlad0006‌..  and are here when you are ready to report how things are going for you


Hi everyone! I did get to speak with my doctor yesterday and she said to start taking 0.5 mg in the morning only instead of 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg at night. Too much for my body. It helped and I was able to sleep so much better. Slept until 2 am but was actually able to fall back asleep and same last night. Today, I just feel super tired but I keep seeing people saying that fatigue is normal at first. Going on over a week today so I am happy but soooooo tired! Thanks for all the help everyone! 


Good news.   I'm glad the doctor was able to help.  Some people are tired and sleep a lot and some just have to keep moving.  I was the latter.  Congrats on your continued success.
